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分类:论文范文 原创主题:FavoriteStoryForever论文 更新时间:2024-02-23



Journey to the West

Journey to the West is China’s first fantasy TV series was, is and probably always will be a fan favorite. What has made it so popular? 《西游记》是中国的第一部神话剧,也将永远是剧迷的最爱.那么,是什么让它如此受欢迎呢?

The TV series Journey to the West has been popular in China for over 30 years. On any day of a summer or winter holiday, you may turn on the TV and find Journey to the West is on. The TV series first came out in 1986. Then it was played again and again, more than 3,000 times.


On April 15, Yang Jie, the director (导演) of the TV series, passed away. But as she wanted, her work will “always stay”.


So what has made Journey to the West a great TV series?Good acting may be one of the reasons. Yang Jie picked actors carefully. She went across the country to find talented play actors, screen actors, opera actors and even students. Liu Xiao Ling Tong played Monkey King in the series. He acted exactly like a monkey! Before that, he played a monkey in Peking Opera for years.


Besides (除了) the acting, the series also has lively lines (生动的台词). It changed some lines in the book and made the roles (角色) more real. In the book, Red Boy asked Guanyin“Are you the help of Sun Xingzhe(你是孙行者请来的救兵吗)”. In the drama, the line became “Are you the help of the monkey (你是猴子请来的救兵吗)”. It shows how cocky (自大的) Red Boy is!


All these things made the TV series a classic (经典). To many, it is like a good friend. And it will always be!


Behind the scenes《西游记》幕后的故事

★The making of the 1986 TV series was not easy. The shooting (拍摄) group then was short of hands and money. But they overcame difficulties and were successful.在1986年制作一部电视连续剧并不容易.剧组又缺乏人手和资金,但他们克服了所有困难,取得了成功.

★It took six years to finish shooting the 25 episodes (集) of the series. Some actors left during that time. That’s why three different actors played Tang Seng.这部剧一共花了6年时间才完成25集的拍摄.6年间有些演员离开了剧组,这就是为什么会有三个不同的演员扮演唐僧.




