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分类:论文范文 原创主题:Mydadisoutofthisworld论文 更新时间:2024-03-07


导 读:《儿童时代》杂志的小记者Charlotte Kelly的爸爸是一名宇航员,不久后要乘坐太空舱到国际空间站执行任务,将要在那里待上一年.Charlotte将和大家一起分享有一位宇航员爸爸会有什么样的经历.

Charlotte Kelly, 11, is in fifth grade in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Her dad is astronaut Scott Kelly. He is on a yearlong task in space aboard the International Space Station(国际空间站). During that year, as a special Times For Kids Kid Correspondent(儿童记者), Charlotte will share her experiences and what it is like to have a dad in space.

On March 24, I headed to Baikonur, Kazakhstan, with my sister, Samantha, and family friends. It would be my last chance to see my dad before he blasted off for the International Space Station. This is my dad’s fourth time in space but my first time at a Russian launch. Three days before the launch, I got to see the Russian rocket my dad would travel in. The air was a bitter cold—18°F.

I wasn’t quite sure how I would feel about seeing my dad sitting on top of a rocket, getting ready to blast off into space for an entire year. I had heard that it would be a roller coaster(过山车)of emotions.

Yet as the rocket launched in the far distance, it lit up the desert with such beauty. It was hard not to think of my dad while looking at the great lights and feeling the vibrations shaking my body. This was him—leaving Earth. I almost didn’t realize that my sister was firmly pressing my hand about 10 seconds into the launch. I am still not quite sure how to describe how I felt. I was happy and excited for my dad but sad to see him go, knowing he would be away for such a long time. I was fascinated by the beauty and wonder of it all.


astronaut n. 宇航员

aboard prep. 在等上

blast off v. 发射升空

launch n. & v. 发射(导弹、火箭等)

vibration n. 振动

(What is your dad doing? Share your dad’s story with us.)




