
关于可靠性论文范文 城市供水管网抗震可靠性评估随机模拟方法相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:可靠性论文 更新时间:2024-03-08


摘 要:在進行管网抗震可靠性评估时,大多采用相同方式进行管道的渗漏和爆管水力模拟,这会导致管网水力模拟及可靠性评估结果的不准确.考虑到地震时管道破损具有很大的随机性,对城市供水管网抗震可靠性评估的随机模拟方法进行研究.应用蒙特卡洛模拟产生管网震损场景,用泊松随机数和均匀随机数判定管道工作状态,用正态随机数确定管道渗漏系数;利用EPANET软件中喷嘴及管道关闭功能实现管道渗漏及爆管等效模拟,提出将长管道分段并应用“分步迭代”法求解低压管网水力方程,提高震损管网水力模拟精度.以震损场景下节点流量统计平均值和正常时节点流量的比值作为可靠度指标,分别采用所提出算法及GIRAFFE软件对丽江大研古城供水管网在VIII、IV烈度时抗震可靠性进行评估,通过对 析评估结果证明了所提出算法的可行性.评估结果还表明,除地震烈度外,管网本身水力条件对供水可靠性影响较大,管网末端、支管服务区域及地势较高区域供水可靠性远低于干管服务区.


中图分类号:TU991.36 文献标志码:A文章编号:16744764(2018)02006208




杜坤(通信作者),男,博士,(Email) dukun_cq@foxmail.com.


Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51608242); Personnel Training Program of Yunnan Province (No.14118943)

Author brief:He Lirong(1988), main research interest: structural engineering, Email: 641435783@qq.com.

Du Kun(corresponding author), PhD, Email: dukun_cq@foxmail.com.Stochastic simulation method for seismic reliability assessment

of urban water distribution system

He Lirong1, Du Kun1, Song Zhigang1, Zhou Ming1, Xu Bingfeng1,Du Yu2

(1. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, P.R.China;

2. The Third Construction Engineer Company LTD of China Construction Second Engineer Bureau, Wuhan 430022, P. R. China)

Abstract:When evaluating the seismic reliability of urban WDSs, most of traditional methods use the same approach to simulate the leakage and burst, which leads to inaccurate results of simulation and reliability evaluation. Considering pipe damages due to earthquake are random, this paper proposed a stochastic simulation method for seismic reliability assessment of WDSs. Specifically, the seismic damage scenarios are generated using Monte Carlo simulation, in which Poisson and uniform random number are used for determining pipe working status, and normal random numbers are used for pipe leakage coefficient generation. Pipe leakage and burst are simulated based on the emitter and pipe close function in EPANET. To improve hydraulic simulation accuracy of the damaged WDSs, the long pipes are segmented and “twostep iteration” method is introduced to solve the network in low pressure condition. The ratio of the statistical average values to normal values of nodal demand in seismic damage scenarios is used as reliability index. The proposed algorithm and GIRAFFE software are used to evaluate the performance of WDSs of Lijiang ancient town under VIII and IV seismic intensity, and the feasibility of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by analyzing and comparing the evaluating results. Evaluation results indicate that, in addition to seismic intensity factor, the hydraulic condition has great influence on the seismic reliability of WDS. Under the same seismic intensity, the water supply reliability for areas located in high terrain or far from water resource is considerably lower than that of areas closed to the water source with main pipe being serviced.



1、 无中心架构下的智慧城市供水管网监控系统 摘要:随着智慧城的快速发展,现有的集中式架构已经不能满足日益错综复杂的城市供水管網监控系统的要求。本文从无中心系统架构的角度对智慧城市供水管网监。

2、 关于城市天然气管网规划问题 【摘要】城市的现代化发展有效带动了天然气的广泛应用,使其逐渐发展成为城市居民生活中一种比较重要的能源。作为输送天然气的主要工具,天然气管网系统也。

3、 地震破坏供水管网低压水力分析 摘要:供水管网遭受地震破坏后会产生渗漏和爆管,在震后的紧急救援和修复阶期,供水管网处于低压带漏损供水状态。根据断开管段的沿程水头损失关系,提出。

4、 面向故障诊断供水管网水压监测点优化布置方法 摘要:為解决供水管网故障诊断中准确率不高、经济性不佳的问题,设计了一个基于改进的果蝇优化算法核极限学习机的供水管网故障诊断模型,经验证该模型具有。

5、 水价变化对城市供水行业影响 【摘 要】水是人们的生活所需物质,同时也是人们在生活和工作中都不可或缺的重要资源,而这就促进了供水行业的发展,极大程度上满足了人们的基本需求。城。

6、 基于多元性能退化汽车轮胎可靠性评估统计模型 摘 要 本文以伪寿命法、最小二乘法等方法建立轮胎在单因素磨损下基于退化轨迹的可靠性评估统计模型。根据伪寿命分布类型,继而引入熵权法与相关矩阵、c。