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关于蜘蛛侠论文范文 新版蜘蛛侠的成长烦恼相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:蜘蛛侠论文 更新时间:2024-03-12


导 读:在大家的印象中,蜘蛛侠是惩恶扬善、拯救世界的超级英雄.然而脱去战衣,他只是个再普通不过的15岁少年,也会有各种成长的烦恼等

When it comes to the character of Spider-Man, it’s easy to forget that behind this bre superhero is Peter Parker, a regular teenager. Spider-Man may be known for his brery, strength, and crime-fighting skills but he still has to do his homework after he’s finished sing the world.

In the reboot of the Marvel superhero franchise , Spider-Man: Homecoming, Parker is someone most of us can relate to, whatever our age. He’s a nervous high school sophomore, unsure of himself both inside and outside of school.

Unlike regular superheroes, Spider-Man is often shown failing. The approach of hing this young hero fail often is a bit of a gamble, because we’re used to seeing our superheroes succeed more often than not. But here, the young superhero experiences more missteps than successes, crashing into buildings and trees as many times as he defeats bad guys.

But despite his mistakes, Parker’s always ready to take on the world, as we can see in the movie’s many fight scenes.

It’s in these battles that Parker has both high and low moments, covering evildoers with webs one moment, then getting dragged behind a truck the next.

The main villain in the story is a flying criminal known as Vulture, who’s as dangerous as he is unusual. But even as Parker gets pulled deeper into his battle against his new biggest enemy, he’s also stumbling through problems in his personal life at high school. There, he’s not a hero, but bookworm; made fun of by guys he could easily throw across the football field if he wanted to.

Many of the situations Parker finds himself in are humorous—even many of the action scenes—filling the movie with many “real” moments. In many ways, however, this reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is targeted at a younger audience, for whom the trials of high school life will seem all too familiar.








Word Study

sophomore /"s?f?m??(r)/ n. (高中/大学)二年级学生

My sophomore speech class was a serious challenge for me.

defeat /d?"fi?t/ v. 击败;战胜

He defeated the champion in three sets.

stumble /"st?mbl/ v. 跌跌撞撞地走;蹒跚而行

I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty.

trial /"tra??l/ n. 试验;磨炼

She agreed to employ me for a trial period.



1、 互联网保险成长烦恼 互联网与保险的融合,既是“互联网+”背景下国家意志的具体表现,也是现代保险服务业发展进程中的必然选择中保协数据显示,2015年全年,行业互联网。

2、 成长烦恼等 一天如一生,在这光辉又充满不如意的一生中伴随着你的有快乐、幸福,必定也会有些悲伤、痛苦。当在遇到这些不如意的事时,你的烦恼也正在萌芽。我总是抱。

3、 蜘蛛侠归来了,超级英雄没有 多少人在这个彼得身上,看到了曾经找不到出路的自己。《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》在北美上映前夕,主演汤姆·霍兰德穿着蜘蛛侠的全套行头,到洛杉矶的儿童医院。

4、 蜘蛛侠现实版:蜂蛰改变基因 喜欢科幻电影《蜘蛛侠》的人都知道,主角彼得·帕克被蜘蛛咬了一口之后便拥有了奇特的能力,让人觉得既神奇又不可思议。最近,法国法朗索瓦·拉伯雷大学。

5、 中国式量化精英成长烦恼 这群大多来自海外名校的“理工男”,依靠他们对数据的敏感及对金融投资的挚爱,为投资人赢得平缓上升的漂亮净值曲线。市场涨涨跌跌,信息错综复杂。如何。

6、 成长烦恼之共享经济 “Need just word, word has word ”网络上流行的这个段子恰如其分的描述了时下火热的“共享经济”——你的就是我的,我的。