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分类:论文范文 原创主题:PlantsChangeOurLife论文 更新时间:2024-02-22


Higher And Higher Yield!

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the output of rice is pitifully low, even in the southern region known as “land of fish and rice”, the per mu yiel in good times is only more than 20 kilograms.

With the development of science and technology, the two green revolution marked by the use of fertilizer and the cultivation of dwarf rice increase the yield of rece to above 600 kilograms in less than 60 years. The emergence of hybride even increase the yield per mu to nearly 1000 kilograms. The progress of chemical industry and brerding technolog got our people rid of the shadow of the lack of food thoroughly, made the agricultural miracle of feeding the 22% of the world’s population by the 7% of the world’s arable lands.

Resist Insects Without Drugs

The increase of crop yield make people happy, but also has attracted some pretenders. The destruction of pests is one of the important factors in reduction of output. It has become a headache problem to control pests.

People have been fighting against pests with pesticides for a long time. But the use of the pesticides brings other problems, such as environmental pollution and pesticide residues in food. Then can we make the plants themselves have the ability to resist pests, so we needn’t to spray pesticdes? With the help of modern biological technology, this dream has been realized. The scientists put a insect-resistant gene into crops, making crops produce a protein that targets at pests specifically. After eating these crops, the pests will escape. At present, the insect-resistant soybeans, corns and rapeseed have been planted widely in the world. According to the research, these insect-resistant crops have reduce the damage by more than 80%.

Can Corn Turn Into Sugar?

In addition to make crops grow well, people also want to make food more diverse and delicious. Take the sweet flavor people all like as an example, before the mid-20th century, the main source of sweetness is sugar. Sugar are extracted from sugar cane or sugar beet in the temperate zone. Subjected to the conditions of planting area, the price of sugar is high, what can people do to get cheaper sugar?

The scientists turn to the food crop of the world’s largest planting area——corn. Scientists decompose the corn starch with enzyme, getting glucose and fructose. As the maize yield is high, this “high fructose syrup” is much cheaper than sucrose, moreover it’s sweeter than sucrose, so is widely used in the food field.




