快捷分类: 生育权论文开题报告 离子沉淀法提取茶多酚的开题报告 生育文明理论和实践论文集 生育保险改革论文 茶多酚实验论文 城镇居民生育二胎意愿的学年论文

关于生育酚论文范文 添加天然生育酚对包装聚合物物理特性影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:生育酚论文 更新时间:2024-01-25


摘 要: 主要研究目标是开发以天然抗氧化剂生育酚为模型的控制释放包装材料以增进食品安全.特别是研究添加生育酚对包装聚合物的物理特性的影响.采用工业级挤压机成功制备了3种包含3 000 mg/kg天然生育酚的控制释放聚合物:聚乙烯,聚丙烯和以上两者的混合物(50/50).具体研究了以上材料的物理性质(熔点,结晶点和玻璃化相变温度等)以及生育酚的制备回收率.研究结果证明:聚乙烯和聚丙烯在高温挤压条件下未发生相互反应,可以作为制备混合聚合物的良好材料.添加生育酚对聚合物材料的机械强度有显著影响.生育酚的制备回收率在3种材料中均高于90%.以上结果说明工业制备控制释放生育酚包装材料确实可行.研究结果对于研究开发保障食品安全的控制释放包装材料有重要的指导意义.

关键词: 聚乙烯; 聚丙烯; 生育酚; 物理特性

Effects of freezing thawing on sensory descriptive profiles of cooked poultry breast meatZHUANG Hong BOWKER Brian

Abstract: Freezing is a common method used by consumers to extend meat shelf life and by researchers to allow for subsequent meat quality assessments and processing.However,the effects of freezing on the sensory quality of cooked poultry breast meat are not well documented.The objective of this study was to compare sensory quality profiles of fresh and frozen/thawed chicken breast fillets (pectoralis major).Breast fillets were removed from carcasses within 24 h postmortem and either cooked from a fresh state or placed in a -20℃ freezer.Frozen samples were thawed by three different methods:thawing during cooking directly from a frozen state (0 h),thawing in 20℃ water for 2 h prior to cooking (2 h),or thawing at 4℃ for 24 h prior to cooking (24 h).A control treatment with fillets cooked directly from a fresh state was used.Fillets were cooked to an endpoint temperature of 78℃ and sensory quality was evaluated by trained descriptive panelists using 0~15 universal intensity scales.Results show that there were not treatment differences (P>0.05) in the average intensity scores for any of the descriptive flavor attributes or for 5 of the descriptive texture attributes (cohesiveness,hardness,juiciness,wad size,and wetness of wad).However,the intensity scores for cohesiveness of mass,rate of breakdown,and chewiness were significantly different among the treatments (P<0.05).Cohesiveness of mass intensity scores for 0h and 24 h fillets were significantly higher than 2 h samples.Fillets cooked directly from a frozen state (0 h) had significantly higher intensity scores for rate of breakdown and chewiness than fresh controls and 2 h samples,respectively.These results indicate that freezing thawing does not affect sensory flavor quality;however,it may change the texture attributes of cooked chicken breast meat products.The effects on meat texture depend on thawing methods prior to cooking.

Key words:chicken breast; sensory; flavor; texture; freezing thawing

CLC number: TS 251.5+Document code: AArticle ID: 1000 5137(2014)06 0558 08



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2、 扬长避短优化前概念对物理教学影响 前概念是在进行正式学习之前,学生对相关内容的已有认识和理解,这里既包括科学的、正确的理解,也包括片面的、错误的认识 就高中物理学习而言,学生的前。

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5、 掌握学习技巧,开启高中物理之门 有一句话道出了高中各科的特点:“物理难,化学繁,数学习题做不完”,许多同学反映物理难学,不好理解,面对着一道道的物理题,就像是雾中看花一样,总有。

6、 全面二孩政策之后生育意愿其影响因素和对析 摘 要:人口问题无论在哪个历史时期,都是一个重要问题。本文在文献研究的基础上,根据调查地点的特殊性,设计了对应的两套问卷,然后通过网络的方式进行。