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关于更美好论文范文 科技让世界变得更美好了吗相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:更美好论文 更新时间:2024-01-16


Every day, innovative companies promise to make the world a better place. Are they succeeding?

Here is just a sampling of the products, apps and services that he ever come across my radar:

A service that sends someone to fill your car with gas.

A service that sends a valet on a scooter to you, wherever you are, to park your car.

A service that will film anything you desire with a drone.

A service that will pack your suitcase — virtually.

A service that delivers a new toothbrush head to your mailbox every three months.

A service that delivers your beer right to your door.

A "art" button and zipper that alerts you if your fly is down.

An app that lets us brew our coffee from anywhere.

A refrigerator advertised as "the Family Hub" that promises to act as a personal assistant, message board, stereo and photo album.

An app to locate rentable driveways for parking.

An app to help you understand "cause and effect in your life".

An app that imparts wisdom.

And a new proposal to create an app designed to stop police killings.

We are overloaded daily with new discoveries, patents and inventions all promising a better life, but that better life has not been forthcoming for most. In fact, the bulk of the above list targets a very specific (and tiny!) slice of the population. As one colleague in tech explained it to me recently, for most people working on such projects, the goal is basically to provide for themselves everything that their mothers no longer do.

He was joking — sort of — but his comment made me think hard about who is served by this stuff. I’m concerned that such a focus on comfort and instant gratification will reduce us all to those characters in Wall-E, bound to their recliners, Big Gulps in hand, interacting with the world exclusively through their remotes.

When everything is characterized as “world-changing”, is anything?

Clay Tarver, a writer and producer for the painfully on-point HBO comedy Silicon Valley, said in a New Yorker article: "I’ve been told that, at some of the big companies, the P.R. departments he ordered their employees to stop saying ‘We’re making the world a better place’, specifically because we he made fun of that phrase so mercilessly. So I guess, at the very least, we’re making the world a better place by making these people stop saying they’re making the world a better place.”



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2、 让世界充满爱 小时侯,我爱听妈妈唱的摇篮曲,爱听清脆的风铃声,还爱听那花花绿绿的拨浪鼓发出的声音……长大一点后,我喜欢乖巧的小猫,喜欢伶俐的小狗,喜欢路边的。

3、 这个黑科技让你不再是你 如果我们把voco和face2face这两个技术合起来的话……近日,那个开发p图应用photoshop的adobe公司,更新了一波新品。还发。

4、 让世界了解二战东方主战场的历史地位 “铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来”——这是新华社以纪念抗战为主题的报道一直秉持的报道精神。今年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利7。

5、 达闼科技让千家万户用上家庭保姆 黄晓庆1995年,以联合创始人身份创立UT斯达康并担任公司CTO;1997年,提出用IP技术实现下一代移动交换,即软交换;2004年,。

6、 贾庆国如何让世界对中国崛起放心 最终,随着年末特朗普首份国家安全报告的落地,让人不得不直面两国关系的新阶段:中国的崛起对美国来说挑战大于机遇。反复波折之间,既有特朗普本人的执政。