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关于结直肠癌论文范文 结直肠癌临床表现对与时诊断的影响分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:结直肠癌论文 更新时间:2024-01-17


[摘 要] 目的 分析结直肠癌患者的临床表现对其诊断结果产生的影响.方法 从2014年1月—2017年1月间进入该院内科诊疗的结直肠癌患者中方便抽选出125例进行分析,以患者发生临床表现至其疾病确诊间的时间差异分组:A组(32例,时间不足30 d)、B组(43例,时间在30~90 d间)、C组(50例,时间超过90 d),观察3组临床特征以及病灶组织方位等信息,并予以比较. 结果 B组28例大便潜血测定结果呈阳性,C组32例,均比A组10例高(P<0.05);同时B组大便带血患者数量比A组、C组多(P<0.05);C组腹痛患者、腹泻患者、乏力患者数量比A组、B组多(P<0.05);A组腹胀恶心患者数量比B组和C组多(P<0.05).结论 对于结直肠癌患者,当其诊断时机不同时,患者临床表现会有差异,所以要合理把握诊断时机.

[关键词] 恶性肿瘤;内科;结直肠癌;临床诊断;临床表现

[中图分类号] R735 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)07(a)-0086-03

Analysis of Effect of Clinical Manifestations of Colorectal Cancer on the Timely Diagnosis

YANG Jin-yu, GAO Bin, JIA Mei

Department of Western Medicine, Taixing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taixing, Jiangsu Province, 225400 China

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of clinical manifestations of colorectal cancer on the timely diagnosis. Methods Convenient selection 125 cases of patients with colorectal cancer admitted and treated in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2017 were selected and divided into the group A (32 cases, less than 30 d), the group B (43 cases, 30 to 90 d) and group C (50 cases, more than 90 d) according to the clinical manifestations and disease confirmation time, and the clinical features and lesion tissue site information of the three groups were observed and compared. Results The measurement results of fecal occult blood in 28 cases in the group B and in 32 cases in the group C and in 10 cases in group A(P<0.05), at the same time, the number of patients with bloody stool in the group B was more than that in the group A and group C(P<0.05), and the number of patients with bellyache, diarrhea and debilitation in the group C was more than that in the group A and group B(P<0.05), and the number of patients with diarrhea and nausea in the group A was more than that in the group B and group C(P<0.05). Conclusion The clinical manifestations of patients with colorectal cancer are different in different diagnosis opportunities, therefore, we should rationally master the diagnosis opportunity.

[Key words] Malignant tumor; Department of medicine; Colorectal cancer; Clinical diagnosis; Clinical manifestations


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料



1、 替吉奥维持治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效与安全性评价 【摘要】 目的 探究替吉奥维持治疗晚期结直肠癌的临床疗效与安全性。方法 60例晚期结直肠癌患者, 给予替吉奥维持治疗, 对其治疗效果与安全性进行。

2、 结直肠癌合并糖尿病患者围手术期临床护理 [摘要] 目的 研究结直肠癌合并糖尿病患者围手术期的临床护理方法及措施。方法 对该院在2015年12月—2016年8月期间收治的58例结直肠癌合。

3、 结直肠癌患者外周血血细胞采集中低血钙反应的预防新措施 [摘要] 目的 觀察两种干预措施在外周血血细胞采集期间低钙血症反应的发生情况,为有效预防和纠正枸橼酸葡萄糖(acid-citrat dextro。

4、 微卫星不稳定性在结直肠癌中进展 摘 要 微卫星不稳定性(microsatellite instability, MSI)是指由于复制错误造成的微卫星重复的数目改变,其发生机制为。

5、 始终无法切除结直肠癌肝转移原发肿瘤外科治疗 摘 要 20%的结直肠癌(CRC)病人在初診时即为Ⅳ期疾病,这些病人中75%~90%合并不可切除的肝转移(CRLM)。CRLM是CRC治疗的难点。