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分类:本科论文 原创主题:披萨论文 更新时间:2024-01-23


Topped with red tomato, white mozzarella and green basil, the Margherita, one of the pillars in the Neapolitan pizza family, was designed to bring to mind the colors of the Italian national flag.

Naples supposedly invented the dish back in the 1700s. With its unique artistic value as well as its cultural heritage, the Neapolitan not only sets the standard for what a good pizza is, but also represents the pizza culture of Italy.



Hand-crafted art


Unlike most mass-produced pizzas, preparing a Neapolitan requires pizza makers follow an exact formula and be skillful in spinning the pizza dough. Additionally, pizza makers should include natural Neapolitan yeast and extra virgin olive oil in the dough preparation process.

To ensure their products are quality, pizza makers bake their pies in ovens fired by oak wood to bake dough that has fermented for 24 hours, ensuring each Neapolitan pizza has an elastic, crispy and tender crust and aromatic toppings.



Pizza culture


“You he to bear in mind that while in the majority of Italy this pizza is an artisanal product, in the US it is more related to ‘junk food’,” European nutritionist Giuseppe Russolillo told the BBC.

Italians view their pizza as a national icon and source of pride. For some, being a pizza maker isn’t frowned upon, but something to be celebrated.

“In Italy, when you say, ‘Hey, I am a pizza maker.’ it’s a job that’s very respected and very well-paid,” pizza chef Graziano Bertuzzo told NPR. Whereas in the US, he says, it is more common to see “a 17-year-old boy going to a local pizza shop and slapping an apron on and throwing some sauce and cheese on a pizza."



正如披萨师格拉齐亚诺·贝尔图左在接受NPR采访时所说:“在意大利,如果你说:‘嗨,我是一名披萨师傅.’ 那你正在做着一份受人尊敬且收入颇丰的工作.而在美国,你在披萨店里更常见到的是那些拍拍围裙,把果酱和干酪扔在披萨上的十七岁大男孩.”



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