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分类:本科论文 原创主题:WaysToOvercomeFrustration论文 更新时间:2024-03-03


导 读:每个人在成长过程中难免会因碰到挫折而感到沮丧,其实这并非完全是坏事,因为我们可以从中得到许多历练,要愈挫愈勇.那么,我们可以采取哪些措施来战胜沮丧的心情呢?

I have a huge experience with frustration. I experienced it in so many ways, at so many times in my life, that I feel like I’m some kind of a specialist. If you wonder why I have this huge expertise, here’s the answer: growth never happens without it. The more frustration you are able to solve and overcome, the more growth you’re experiencing. Avoiding it, hiding from it, neither of these ways will make you a better human being.

What follows is a list of tools and methods I used to solve my own frustration.

1. Accept Reality

Yes, something bad happened. Don’t spend your day imagining how beautiful life could be if it wasn’t for that stupid mistake. This is it. It is frustrating, no doubt about it, but refusing this reality will not lower the frustration, however, will make it stronger and stronger. Accept reality.

2. Change Your Focus

It’s so easy to get caught in an increase of anger when you’re frustrated, and I know that first hand. Change your focus by taking part in small but demanding activities. Get involved. Do take the necessary steps to get over the frustrating situation, but do not ignore everything else around you.

3. Talk About it with a Friend

Find somebody you trust and talk about it. Let it out. Don’t let it grow inside yourself until you lose the control. Most of the time, when you reach this point, it’s too late to make a meaningful change that will restore your reality. Let your worries and your nerve fly. After all, this is what friends are for, right?

4. Write a Diary About it

If you don’t keep a diary, start now. Write down all your fears, all your feelings and describe them in great detail. Do it until you feel you can’t do it no more. You’re going to feel better beyond your imagination. Writing has this side effect of lowering what you write about, making it more manageable. Just try it.

5. Compare it With a Worse Situation

Try to think of a related situation but with a much higher degree of damage. If you’re in debt, imagine how it will be to be bankrupt. If you’re having a relationship breakup, try to imagine how it would be to live on a desert is land for the rest of your life. Be grateful for what you experience, because it can be worse.

6. Stop Blaming Yourself

Maybe you did something really wrong, and now your situation is the result of that mistake. Don’t blame yourself. It’s all in the past. You’re in the present and you can do something about it. Blame will only put weight on that past and drag you down. Avoid it at all cost.


expertise n. 专长

focus n. 焦点

debt n. 债务

bankrupt n. 破产

blame v. 责怪

(Can you think out another way to deal with frustration? Or, how do you usually overcome it?)




