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关于赵小兰论文范文 赵小兰迪堡大学毕业致辞如何视领导为己责相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:赵小兰论文 更新时间:2024-08-19


Thank you, President Bottoms. It’s wonderful to see all of the new construction on campus等 thank you for your fine leadership.

Graduating seniors, parents, trustees, faculty, friends, and family等 I am delighted to join you today for the 163rd commencement of this fine university.1

Congratulations to all of the honorary degree recipients and a special hello to my fellow Kentuckians in the audience.2

I’ve heard so many wonderful things about DePauw from Kris Iverson who serves as the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Labor.3 She’s a proud DePauw alumna4 and never lets us forget it.

DePauw is one of the nation’s top liberal arts5 universities. You count among your many illustrious alumni, former Vice President Dan Quayle, with whom I served in President George H. W. Bush Administration.6

Graduating seniors, your liberal arts education at DePauw has given you an avenue to uncommon success. It will open many doors. But, it has also given you a responsibility.

A responsibility not just to obey the law and pay your taxes, but a responsibility to lead.

One of the most impressive aspects at DePauw University is its outstanding tradition of community service.

As a former head of the Peace Corps, and late President and CEO of United Way of America,7 I care deeply about the uniquely American spirit of volunteering and community service.

My professional experience in volunteer and charitable organizations arose out of my own experience as an immigrant to this country. That time in my early life helped me realize, in a very personal way, the great value of giving to your neighbors.

When my family arrived here from Asia, I was eight years old. We did not speak English and were not familiar with American customs. The kindness, the helping hands of strangers—soon to be our friends and neighbors—helped to smooth our transition to this wonderful new country.

As a country, it is, indeed, through service to our neighbors and communities that we build on the momentum of a million acts of kindness and decency.8

The horrific attacks on our country of September 11th reminded us of the value of our freedom and our ties to one another as Americans. It also opened our hearts to a new spirit of service in America—one that asks,“What can I do to help?”

More Americans are learning, every day, the value of community service. DePauw’s Hartman Center for Civic Education is a monument to9 it, and I know that as DePauw students you have been encouraged to give of yourself throughout your career here. And now, as you leave the safe haven of DePauw, it is time to think about carrying a commitment to service forward into your post-graduate life.10



1、 如何看待大学毕业典礼之变 讨论话题近年来,一些大学的毕业典礼在发生着变化。有的典礼上,学生们不再身着以西方元素为主的学位服,而是穿汉服,行汉礼,校长的讲话中使用了不少古。

2、 赵小明和恶龙 1赵小明手中的铅笔在草稿本上沙沙地摩擦着。他脑海里的画面一格格呈现在纸上:一座山明水秀的小村庄;距离村庄千里之外,是黑雾缭绕的石井山;山洞里。

3、 莫小兰的完美失败 莫小兰正式对李建下了“挑战书”,声称这次期末考试一定要取代李建的位置,恢复自己第一名的风采。李建是上个学期从外校转过来的同学。人长得高高瘦瘦,。

4、 大学毕业回家乡,倾力宣传北大荒等十二则 2014年,代梦迪大学毕业后回到克山农场宣传部,任宣传干事。过去一年,她在《北大荒日报》《黑龙江经济报》等媒体发表消息、通讯92篇,其中各版头。

5、 大学毕业后坚持学习有什么用 我出國之初,拿着打工攒下的全部钱去读书,银行卡一度只剩下两块多,那时几乎身边所有人对这件事都持反对态度,“为什么要读书呢?大学都毕业了啊,抓紧时。

6、 一只从耶鲁大学毕业的猫 在美国耶鲁大学,3年来,有一只猫每天都会出现在其中的一间教室里。这只猫名叫布巴,它的家就住在学校的后面,它的主人是一个书店老板。最初,布巴是一。