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关于钦奈论文范文 印度国际媒体展将于钦奈举行相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:钦奈论文 更新时间:2024-10-30



Media Expo also in Chennai

Media Expo draws together all the sectors of modern advertising technology under a single roof and for many years has served advertising specialists as a procurement platform for indoor and outdoor advertising, print and signage solutions. After 38 editions in Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata, the organisers at Messe Frankfurt have now taken the decision to establish the fair in the south of the subcontinent. So from November 18 to 20, 2016 the meeting of Indian advertising and media specialists will be hosted by the Chennai Trade Centre, and present innovations from the areas of printing, indoor and outdoor advertising and digital signage.



Coex collaborates with BEXCO to bolster MICE industry

BEXCO and Coex have signed a memorandum of understanding to help each other expand their business through collaboration. The MOU covers practical methods of cooperation between the two organisations, including business and information exchanges about the exhibition industry, both inside and outside of Korea, and co-organising local, specialised exhibitions in Busan. As the first collaboration, Coex and BEXCO will host Photo & Imaging Plus Busan, which is linked to Photo & Imaging and Photo & Imaging Pro in Seoul, as well as the Busan International Film Festival 2016 (PIFF).


3月,德玛吉展览集团宣布收购总部位于南非约翰内斯堡的非洲老牌主办方EMS展览服务公司.德玛吉展览首席执行官Geoff Dickinson表示,“EMS展览公司拥有非洲最大经济体的丰富资源,此次收购是我们将自身打造成非洲大型主办方的战略步骤之一.”


dmg events acquires Exhibition Management Services

dmg events has announced the acquisition of long-established Pan African exhibition organiser Exhibition Management Services Pty Ltd (EMS), headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa. Geoff Dickinson, CEO, dmg events, said: "This acquisition is part of our strategy to become key event players in Africa. EMS offers a strategic hub in Africa’s largest economy.” EMS adds five shows to the existing portfolio of dmg events, including Africa’s Big Seven (AB7), the continent’s biggest food and beverage industry trade expo; INDUTEC, industrial design and manufacturing expo CIS. dmg events now operates 12 events across the continent, including construction and interiors in Morocco, oil and gas in Egypt, construction and coatings in Kenya, and the Global African Investment Summit that takes place in London, UK and Kigali, Rwanda.



1、 2018国际水展新品众多别错过 喝水喝的是健康,这是人尽皆知的道理。可放眼现在的生活环境,一杯好水着实难求。关于水这个话题,可以说直接关系到每个家庭的日常需求。最近第九届国际水。

2、 三展联动广州国际海事展再现船舶航运市场辉煌 2012年11月21-23日在广州琶洲保利世贸博览馆将举办第五届中国广州国际海事贸易展览会暨论坛(以下简称:第五届广州国际海事展)、国际航运服务。

3、 中关村绿色成果亮相国际环保展 中关村展区重点围绕“美丽中国,绿色北京,创新中关村”这一主题,突出了环保技术、节能与新能源、协同发展(互联网+环保、京津冀协同发展)三条主线。。

4、 2018国际橡塑展圆满闭幕参观人数呈两位数增长 汇聚世界尖端塑料技术的 CHINAPLAS 2016国际橡塑展,将于4月25-28日在上海新国际博览中心(浦东)盛大举行。届时展会将云集世界各地。

5、 上海国际奢侈品包装展再度来袭 2014年4月16日,为期两天的第七届上海国际奢侈品包装展(LUXE PACK SHANGHAI)将在新场馆上海展览中心拉开帷幕。依托摩纳哥母。

6、 2018亚太区美容展中国欲出,国际欲进 2014年11月12日,为期三天的2014亚太区美容展在香港会议展览中心拉开帷幕。统计数据显示,本届亚太美容展共吸引了来自42个国家和地区的2。