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关于2018论文范文 2018年时代英语高三第九期参相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:2018论文 更新时间:2024-04-15


1—5 CAABB6—10 BABBC11—15 AACCB

16—20 AABBB21—25 BCBAB26—30 BDCCB

31—35 ABCDD36—40 DBABA41—45 DDCCA

46—50 ABADA51—55 DBCBC56—60 ACDCB

61—65 DBDAB

66. It refers to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

67. By reducing and removing pain for people.

68. Among older adults, teenagers and women.

69. Those aged 65 and over.

70. 70% / 70 percent.


Would you like to spend your holidays traveling with balloon?


The first balloon trip took place in 1783. It was lasted only eight

minutes. About a year late, an American and a Frenchman decided


to across the English Channel between France and England in a


balloon. Highly over the channel, they discovered a hole in∧

High the

balloon. The hole becomes larger and larger. The gas in the balloon


was escaping. The men threw all their belongings into the water to

make the balloon light. It started to rise again. But it was still too


closed to the water. Finally, the men threw away most of their


cloth to save themselves.



One possible version:

Many parents are trying to find tutors to teach their children special skills such as dancing, calligraphy, painting, chess and so on, hoping their children will become more successful in the future.

Learning special skills can help children develop different skills and more interests, which can enrich their lives. Besides, children will be more likely to get good jobs in the future.

However, life is hard for these children, who have to spend much more time practicing these skills. They hardly have their own time to do what they want to. Also, they have to suffer more pressure. What’s worse, parents have to pay more money for children’s study.

Different children have different interests and they do need time to relax. So I think parents should let children do what they’re interested in. Only in this way can they enjoy a happy life.

1—5 BAACB6—10 AAABB11—15 BAABA

16—20 CBCBC21—25 BACBD26—30 DCDCB

31—35 BCACD36—40 ABDAC41—45 CDBAB

46—50 DCBAD51—55 CDDCC56—60 CADCA

61—65 BDCCA

66. Two children.

67. She’d (like to) give it a try.

68. By emailing./ By sending e-mails.

69. She felt excited.



1、 2018年时代英语高二第1期参 选修六跟踪导练(一)阅读地带A: 1—3 DAA B: 4—7 ABDC单词训练营1 informal 2 serious 3 。

2、 2018年时代英语高二第2期参 选修六跟踪导练(一)阅读地带A: 1—4 DABCB: 5—8 DBDB阅读七选五1—5 ECBGD完形填空1—5 CDBCA6—。

3、 2018年时代英语高三第十二期参 高二上 Module 1 — 2对比思维训练1 BD2 DC3 CA4 CD5 CA6 CA7 BAC8 BA9 C。

4、 2018年时代英语高三第二期参 (一)单项填空1—5 ADBCC6—10 DDCDB完形填空11—15 CDABB16—20 BDCAA21—25 DCBCA26—3。

5、 2018年时代英语高一第四期参 语法精练1—8 BBAADCDD课后练(一)选词填空1 embarrassed2 Brilliant3 description4。

6、 2018年时代英语高三第2期参 (一)阅读理解1—5 BAABD 6—10 DACBA 11—15 DCDAB阅读七选五16—20 CDEAF完形填空21—25 A。