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分类:专科论文 原创主题:酒精狂欢论文 更新时间:2024-03-02


Directions:Read the following passages. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

American education officials he been concerned for years about how students use alcohol(烈酒). Some of it has had deadly results. For example, a student at the University of Oklahoma died in September following a brotherly party. His blood alcohol level was five times the legal limit.

Such extreme use of alcohol is known as“binge drinking.”It means hing four to five drinks in less than one hour. Studies he found a link between binge drinking(狂欢性饮酒)and parties at college brotherly houses. Reports say the deaths of one thousand four hundred college students in the United States last year were linked to alcohol use.

College officials say dangerous drinking has taken place at colleges for many years. But they still he not found a way to stop it. Now,the University of Oklahoma at Norman has decided to ban the use of alcohol.

The ban goes into effect on January eighteenth. It affects all twenty two thousand students at the University,including the one thousand six hundred foreign students attending this year.

Parents of the students will be told if their child is found with any kind of alcohol. The students also will take part in an alcohol education program. A second violation of the rule will result in punishment. The student will be told to lee the school after three violations.

All new students will be required to complete an alcohol education program. And the University of Oklahoma will cooperate with the local police force to stop parties where binge drinking take place.

University President Did Boren says the goal of the plan is to reduce dangerous drinking by students and to develop a succesul program that other schools can follow.

1. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. The ban to control alcohol.

B. Worries about alcohol use at college.

C. Drinking alcohol at the University of Oklahoma.

D. Disadvantages of drinking alcohol.

2. Which of the following best explains“binge drinking”in the text?

A. To drink little by little.

B. To drink now and then.

C. To drink a mouthful at a time and four to five drinks within an hour.

D. To drink like a horse.

3. How did 1400 college students die in the United States last year?



1、 双11狂欢那么多包裹在飞 每一次压力测试,都会暴露很多问题。现代商业正是在这种“压力测试一出现问题——解决问题——压力测试”的循环中往前走。当那么多包裹一起飞的时候,莱鸟。

2、 主体趋向零散和无厘头狂欢下香港新生代电影 [摘要]香港新浪潮后的不少电影应该都属于新生代电影系列当中,新生代电影题材方面主要体现为主体零散化或无厘头狂欢特征,主要代表电影分别为王家卫电影。

3、 味蕾狂欢!迪拜美食见闻录 一提起要去迪拜,身边的朋友除了争着唱李龙怡那首老歌《夜游迪拜》外,都会问:吃?有什么好吃的呀?只有一股香料味!的确,关于香料味我也这么认为,我和。

4、 索芙特爱发狂欢季 迷你足球场、动感的音乐、热情四射的足球宝贝……你能想到这是一个日化品牌的战略发布会?5月18日,离巴西世界杯开幕不到一个月,索芙特与腾讯在广州万。

5、 骗贷狂欢两千买一套虚假材料可骗20万 互聯网金融的兴起,带来了普惠金融,却也成了骗贷群体的分食盛宴。这个群体,大多由信用卡骗贷群体衍生而来——一条新式骗贷产业链逐渐形成,所有人配合。

6、 又到狂欢时刻 有什么好票推荐?这是最近被问到频率很高的问题。每当股票市场半死不活地软在那里,普通投资者手上又有几个闲钱时,大家就会这么问。我说,买那些高性价。