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分类:专科论文 原创主题:LostandFoundinFuzhou论文 更新时间:2024-02-11


Itried to kiss the cheek of the young Chinese guy from the university who picked me up at the airport when I first arrived in China. This scared him. Shy and embarrassed, he repeatedly insisted:“bu, bu, bu, bu” (no, no, no, no) and hid behind the girl who accompanied him. His English name was Leo, and he probably thought I was crazy. Wasn’t I? Who kisses strangers? I quickly realized there were some major cultural differences.

With two heavy suitcases and the humidity of southeastern China soaking my body, I got into the car and went across Fuzhou, the capital city of coastal Fujian Province, where my university was located. The scene of the city through the window struck me: colossal gray residential buildings everywhere, one after another, lining the Minjiang River. The totally unfamiliar architecture surprised me and reminded me that I was far from home. But when I arrived at the campus on the outskirts of the city, I was surrounded only by nature: green mountains of dense vegetation in a subtropical climate. I spent more than a year in that place and it changed my way of thinking in many ways.

Just “ni hao” and a few other expressions composed my Chinese vocabulary those days. I tried to learn some basics about the language before coming, but my efforts seemed completely useless. Moreover, the accent was so unique there that even the simplest words sounded totally different to me. An “F” would be pronounced like an “H”, “R”like an “L”, and so on. Somehow, I felt like a baby abandoned in a new environment. My only tools were mime and improvisation. Sometimes they worked, sometimes I got frustrated, and most of the time I ended up laughing at myself.

First Day of Class

Since I had arrived in Fuzhou three days earlier, I hadn’t met many people. I was excited about starting lessons and getting to know everyone. My classroom was in a brand new building just next to a lake—very different from the environment of my university back in Spain, which was located right in downtown Granada in a historical building.

I still had jet lag and couldn’t help but be a bit nervous. And on top of all that, I was really late. I opened the door of the classroom, gasped for breath and said “sorry” over and over before realizing there was only one student and the teacher inside. She smiled at me. And a sixty-yearold Korean woman was my only classmate during the first semester at Fuzhou University. At that moment, all I could think was: “Where am I?”




