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分类:专科论文 原创主题:论文英文摘要论文 更新时间:2024-02-07



Eco-commualism and Its Green TransformationHuan Qingzhi

Eco-communalism, or eco-anarchism, is an environmental social-political theory or ecological culture theory based on eco-centric philosophical values and ethics. The key idea of eco-communalism is that human society should live in a manner of fully respecting and following the natural ecological world and its laws; accordingly reinterpreting and reconstructing an ecological relationship between human and nature and between society and nature is not only an appropriate starting point of coping with the current world ecological crisis, but also an important impetus for realizing the necessary green transformation in our times. However,the real challenge value of eco-communalism is by far greater than its real transformation dynamic or effect. In other words, to some extent eco-communalism represents the height of our times and the border of our rationality that we rethink and reconstruct the modern civilization from a natural and ecological perspective, though we can always make “effective” or “correct” criticism on any of its concrete ideas or plans in terms of the reality.

The Green State Theory from the Perspective of Ecological Culture Theory Liu Heqing

Since the 1990s, the green state theory has become an issue under discussion in western academia. The green state theory mainly pays attention to the role that the state plays in environmental protection and explores the questions of “What is a green state?” and “How possible would it be a green state?”The concept of green state theory reflects the appeal for ecological ethics. The western scholars insist that the state’s green transformation be achieved in a gradual or radical way. Scholars such as Eckersley are trying to find a balance between the ideal and the reality. The previous green state theories are mainly based on the research of the western environmental governance experience, but in recent years with the more and more conspicuous issue of green state identity construction in developing countries, the green revolution in the framework of Chinese politics will enrich the study of green state theory.

On Social Ecology and Green Transformation from the Perspective of Ecological Culture Theory

Li Liang

As the new development of natural ecology since the 20th century, social ecology applies ecological methods, principles and concepts to analysis and discussion on both social and ecological problems and thus has characteristics and perspectives of both natural science and social science. This paper introduces the history, theory and practice of social ecology with an attempt to explain in what way social ecology is a branch of ecological culture theory. Critiques and defenses of social ecology are reviewed, and the value of social ecology for green transformation is analyzed as well.



1、 科技论文英文摘要的常见问题回顾 摘 要:本文基于《光电子快报(英文版)》稿件的编辑加工实践,发现英文摘要写作存在不规范的问题,依据科技论文英文摘要的结构和编写原则,从写作内容和。

2、 学术论文摘要撰写 摘要:针对学术期刊投稿和编辑中论文摘要大面积写作不规范的现实,以数例研究学术论文摘要写作的论文摘要编写不规范为典型案例,指出摘要“摘而无要”、“。

3、 再议英语本科毕业论文英文摘要中存在的问题 【摘要】论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短概述。很多学者针对英语专业本科毕业论文摘要内容及文体进行了研究,但基于数据统计分析的研究并不太。

4、 英文摘要 AbstractsInstitutional Coordination and the Future Asian Security Archi。

5、 实证会计论文写作十诫 【摘 要】 近年来,实证会计论文在我国会计学术界风起云涌、源源不断。毋庸置疑,论文写作中的问题也层出不穷,那么,如何写好“八股”式实证会计论文,。

6、 陕西省审计学会第七届审计青年论坛论文获奖名单 一等奖李 芳(陕西省审计厅) 董寒光(陕西省审计厅)杨英琪(西安市雁塔区审计局) 程静静(商洛市镇安县审计局)二等奖杨积平(陕西省审计厅。