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关于妇产科患者论文范文 综合护理对妇产科患者术后疼痛的效果分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:妇产科患者论文 更新时间:2024-02-26



[摘 要] 目的 分析綜合护理对缓解妇产科患者术后疼痛的效果. 方法 方便选取2016年2月—2017年1月该院妇产科收治的130例手术患者按数字随机表法随机分为对照组和综合护理组,每组65例.手术后对照组进行常规护理,综合护理组则进行综合性护理.观察并比较两组患者的疼痛情况,镇痛药物应用时间,住院时间以及满意度.结果 ①对照组中0级疼痛发生率为23.08%,显著的低于综合护理组(41.54%)(P<0.05);而在综合护理组中,III级疼痛发生率为0.00%,明显优于对照组(20.00%)(P<0.05).②对照组对护理满意度为66.15%;而综合护理组对护理满意度为93.85%,显著高于对照组(P<0.05).③综合护理组患者镇痛药物使用时间(3.55±1.16)d、住院时间(13.75±2.05)d,均明显短于对照组(P<0.05).结论 对于妇产科术后疼痛患者而言,给予综合护理干预措施效果显著,能够有效降低患者术后疼痛程度,减少镇痛药物使用时间,缩短住院时间,进一步提高患者对护理工作的满意度.

[关键词] 综合护理;妇产科;术后疼痛;满意度

[中图分类号] R473 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(b)-0177-03

Effect of Comprehensive Nursing on Postoperative Pain of Patients in Obstetric and Gynecological Department

SU Hui-qin

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Xiamen No.1 Hospital Xinglin Branch, Xiamen, Fujian Province, 361022 China

[Abstracts] Objective This paper tries to analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing on postoperative pain in obstetrics and gynecology patients. Methods 130 patients in the obstetrics and gynecology department in this hospital from February, 2016 to January 2017 were convenient selected and randomly divided into the control group and the comprehensive nursing group, with 65 cases in each group. After the operation, the control group adopted routine care, the comprehensive nursing group adopted comprehensive care. The pain of patients, analgesic drug application time, length of stay and satiaction in the two groups were analyzed and compared. Results ①The rate of 0 degree pain in the control group was 23.08%, significantly lower than the comprehensive care group of 41.54% (P<0.05); the incidence rate of class III pain in the comprehensive care group was 0.00%, significantly better than the control group of 20.00%(P<0.05). ②The nursing satisfaction of the control group was 66.15%, and that of the comprehensive group was 93.85%, significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05). ③The analgesic drug using time was(3.55±1.16)days, the hospitalized time was(13.75±2.05)days in the comprehensive care group, significantly shorter than those in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion For patients with postoperative pain, the effect is remarkable by given the comprehensive nursing intervention care, which can effectively reduce postoperative pain degree of patients, reduce the analgesic drug using time, shorten hospitalization time, further improve patients’ satisfaction of nursing work.

[Key words] Comprehensive care; Department of obstetrics and gynecology; Postoperative pain; Satiaction



1、 术后疼痛患者护理管理概述 【关键词】 术后疼痛;护理管理中图分类号:R473 文献标识码:A术后疼痛(postoperative pain) 是手术后即刻发生的急性疼。

2、 综合优质护理对大肠癌手术患者的疼痛与预后效果的影响 【摘要】 目的 探究综合优质护理对大肠癌手术患者的疼痛及预后效果的影响。方法 94例接受手术治疗的大肠癌患者作为研究对象, 随机分为观察组和对照。

3、 综合护理对宫颈癌患者的临床疗效观察 【摘要】 目的 分析综合护理对宫颈癌患者生活质量以及抑郁情绪的影响。方法 82例宫颈癌患者, 依照护理方法不同分为参照组(40例)和综合组(42。

4、 综合护理干预在老年糖尿病合并高血压患者中影响分析 [摘要] 目的 探讨综合护理干预在老年糖尿病合并高血压患者中的影响。方法 将2015年4月—2017年4月在该院接受治疗的老年糖尿病合并高血压患。

5、 综合护理干预对糖尿病患者疗效分析 [摘要] 目的 分析糖尿病患者护理中综合护理干预方法应用下取得的效果。方法 取医院于2016年5月—2017年5月收治的糖尿病患者72例,利用数。

6、 集束化护理对减少冠心病介入治疗患者术后并发症效果分析 [摘要] 目的 探讨集束化护理对减少冠心病介入治疗患者术后并发症的效果。方法 方便选取2016年6月—2017年6月期间在该院接受介入治疗的冠心。