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分类:职称论文 原创主题:资讯论文 更新时间:2024-02-19


Alibaba keen for more Ascend Money

November 2, 2016 (Bangkok Post) -- A financial affiliate of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. seeks to acquire an additional 10% stake in Thailand’s Ascend Money by 2018 after buying a 20% stake in August. If the deal is done, Ant Small & Micro Financial Services Group, known as Ant Financial, will hold a combined 30% stake in the Thai financial services company. “The deal is to synergise collaboration to cash in on Southeast Asia’s unbanked population,” said Punnamas Vichitkulwongs, chief executive of Ascend Group. “We aim to become a key player in digital financial services in the region.” Eric Jing, chief executive of Ant Financial, said that the partnership creates a win-win resolution for both companies as it can bring a greater variety of convenient financial services to small and micro-sized companies as well as individual consumers.

China 2016 Asian International Stamps Exhibition to kick off next month

November 2, 2016 (China Daily) -- China State Post Bureau announced today in Beijing that the China 2016 Asian International Stamps Exhibition will kick off early next month (December 2-6) in Nanning, provincial capital of South China"s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The exhibition includes a stamp competition as well as cultural and economic exchange events among different countries. Organizers disclosed that more than dozens of countries and regions will take part. Guangxi is the hub that links China and Southeast Asia. “Stamp is the window to different countries and cultures. We want to prompt the communication between Guangxi and Southeast Asia,” said Yang Limin, chairman of All-China Philatelic Federation (ACPF), founded in 1982, a member of Inter-Asia Philatelic Federation (FIAP).

China sends satellite, upper stage craft into orbit

November 3, 2016 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday sent a payload combination of a satellite and an upper stage aircraft into space with the latest heavy-lift Long March-5 carrier rocket. In its maiden flight, the rocket blasted off at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China’s Hainan Province at around 8:43 p.m. on Thursday Beijing Time. Shijian-17, developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, is a satellite for verifying new technology in geostationary orbit, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence said. China Satellite Communications Corporation will run communication and broadcast services through the satellite, and verify technology in observation of space debris, new electric sources, and electric propulsion. The Yuanzheng-2 is China’s largest liquid-fuel upper stage aircraft with the strongest capability for orbit transfer.



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2、 不只一点资讯消费 资讯进入了碎片化的黑洞,而我们的脑力却更多处于混沌状态:看得到的不想看,想看的看不到。“阅读哪些新闻?怎样阅读?”成为一个新的问题,受众的被动与。

3、 记述X技术一点资讯2018年营销推介会北京场落幕 12月10日,由现代汽车(中国)与中国青年创业就业基金会联合主办、中国国际青年交流中心协办的第五届现代汽车大学生广告创意大赛总決赛在北京交通大学。

4、 资讯 韩寒遭遇“代笔门”引发口水仗1月中旬,知名博客作者麦田以一篇《人造韩寒:一场关于“公民”的闹剧》的博文,质疑韩寒奇迹背后是他父亲和营销团队的功。

5、 财经资讯48则 会计九部委支持“走出去”日前,商务部、财政部等国务院九部委联合发布了《关于支持会计师事务所扩大服务出口的若干意见》,意见系统地提出了当前扩大会。

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