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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:博闻论文 更新时间:2024-04-02









UBM Indonesia launches specialised tradeshow

Pumps & Valves Indonesia 2017, to be held March 29 to 31, 2017 at Jakarta International Expo, is the only specialised event for pumps, valves and fittings in the country. With increasing investment and expansion in food and beverages, water treatment, construction and more, the Indonesian region will continue to see strong growth, which will result in further demand for high-end pumps, valves and boilers. As part of a portfolio of regional events of this kind, this leading tradeshow features the very latest technology in industrial pumps and related equipment.

Iran Market Share seminar: Opportunities and challenges

On 18 October, co-organized by Seasky International Business Travel and several other organizations, Iran Market Share seminar was hosted in Beijing. The Commercial Section of the Iranian Embassy in Beijing introduced the investment environment and policies in Iran. Several companies shared success experiences and challenges in doing businesses in Iran from aspects including exhibition participation,business travel, logistics and booth building.

The 21st International Passive House Conference:"Passive House for all"

The 21st International Passive House Conference will take place in Vienna on 28 and 29 April 2017. It is the meeting place for experts from around the world on energy efficient construction.

The theme of the 21st International Passive House Conference is "Passive House for all". The conference will therefore highlight the increasing prevalence of Passive House worldwide.

2016 attracted over 1,000 participants to the 20th International Conference in Darmstadt. Also in 2017 in Vienna, one of the four major United Nations office sites, many participants from around the world are expected, especially from all of Europe, North America and China. Numerous workshops and excursions will take place around the conference.



1、 巴厘岛丽思卡尔顿酒店再获2019年印度尼西亚最佳雇主品牌奖 12月11日,巴厘岛丽思卡尔顿酒店荣获“2017年印度尼西亚最佳雇主品牌奖”。作为一座豪华海滨度假村,巴厘岛丽思卡尔顿酒店不仅因提供体贴入微的个。

2、 博闻微言 晚上时候突然听到有人敲门,我打开门一看,一个送外卖的小伙子,拎了很多好吃的站在门外。我说:“你一定是弄错了,我并没有叫外卖。”“我知道。” 他说。

3、 亚洲·印度尼西亚关老爷惹谁了 据美国《纽约时报》报道,位于印尼东爪哇省图班市的一个巨型关公像上周被蒙上了一块硕大的白布,以回应近期穆斯林群体愈演愈烈的抗议游行。路透社消息称。

4、 博闻公司和Interexpo公司合办马来西亚美容博览会 博闻公司与Interexpo公司合办马来西亚美容博览会日前,博闻公司与马来西亚展会主办方Interexpo展览公司达成合作,博闻公司将参与主办。

5、 兰博基尼—宝珀SuperTrofeo亚洲挑战赛泰国站圆满落幕 7月29日,继在中国上海、日本铃鹿的激烈角逐后,兰博基尼-宝珀Super Trofeo亚洲挑战赛第三站于泰国武里南大象国际赛车场圆满落幕。本次是。

6、 信永中和设立印度尼西亚成员所 本報讯(记者 卢刚)近日,信永中和国际第10个成员所——印度尼西亚成员所正式设立。信永中和国际董事局主席张克在雅加达全体合伙人及公证官的见证之下。