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关于丝路论文范文 贞观年间的丝路往来和敦煌翟家窟画样的来历相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:丝路论文 更新时间:2024-02-22


內容摘 要:敦煌莫高窟第220窟是初唐时期开凿的重要石窟,根据窟内发愿文和题记以及相关史料可知,该石窟开凿于太宗贞观十六年(642)至高宗龙朔二年(662)间.其主室的众多经变画,特别是北壁一排七身药师佛立像和东壁维摩诘经变中与阎立本《历代帝王图》相同的帝王图像,从未在此前的敦煌壁画中出现,应当是新摹自长安的画样.唐朝在高祖武德六年(623)牢固据有敦煌,特别是贞观七年正式更名为沙州后,中原与敦煌的关系更加紧密,一些大族、文士陆续往来敦煌,敦煌的文人如翟通也曾经乡贡而到长安获得明经出身,还有贞观十八年为迎接东归的玄奘而从长安来至敦煌的使臣,这些人士都有可能把长安画样带给敦煌.因此可以说,贞观十六年开始开凿的莫高窟第220窟中的长安画样,是当时中原与敦煌文化交流的必然结果.


中图分类号:G256.1;K870.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2018)01-0001-08

Silk Road Cultural Exchanges and the Origin of

the Ce Wall Paintings Sponsored by the Zhai Family

in the Zhenguan Era of the Tang Dynasty

RONG Xinjiang

(Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History, Peking University, Beijing 100871)

Abstract: Mogao Ce 220 is an important ce from the early Tang dynasty constructed between the sixteenth year of the Zhenguan era(642)and the second year of the Longshuo era(662), according to votive texts and inscriptions inside the ces and relevant historical records. The sutra illustrations found within he never been seen before in Dunhuang ces, the seven standing images of Bhaisajyaguru on the north wall and the portrait of the emperor in the Vimalakirti Sutra illustration on the east wall, which is similar to those painted by Yan Liben during the same period, are particularly striking discoveries. These paintings, which seem rather out of place compared to the artistic contents of nearby ces, had likely been copied from drafts from the Tang capital of Chang’an. In the sixth year of the Wu’de era during the reign of Emperor Gao, the Tang empire had Dunhuang under its firm control and established a close relationship between Dunhuang and the Central Plains. Some large and influential families and literati eventually moved to Dunhuang while some literary figures of Dunhuang also went to Chang’an to receive scholarly honors or official ranks—like Zhai Tong for example—and at one point, envoys came from Chang’an to Dunhuang to welcome the return of Xuanzang in the eighteenth year of the Zhenguan era. Any one of these people could he brought the painting style of Chang’an to Dunhuang, meaning that the works appearing in Ce 220(the construction of which began in the sixteenth year of the Zhenguan era)were in fact an inevitable result of cultural exchange between the Central Plains and Dunhuang.

Keywords: Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes; ce temple of the Zhai family; Xuan Zang; Liu Demin;Bhaisajyaguru; paintings of emperors



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2、 丝路烟雨 丝路烟雨之阳关阳关,这是最后一个关于家的定义关于故乡,关于母国的定义我站上风沙堆起的沙丘张开怀抱,想把最后的姿势定格把张骞两个字刻进黄。

3、 让信息丝路畅通全球 4月21日,国家“一带一路”官网“满月”。一个月前的今天,这个由推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组办公室指导,国家信息中心主办的官方网络平台正式上。

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