
关于只有一次论文范文 人生,只有一次相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:只有一次论文 更新时间:2024-02-10

人生,只有一次是关于只有一次方面的论文题目、论文提纲、宇宙成为宇宙 只有一次论文开题报告、文献综述、参考文献的相关大学硕士和本科毕业论文。

When I was a child, my mother often worried about her age and complained about growing older. I struggled to find answers as to why she lived in such fear.

When I first understood that I wouldn’t live forever, I went to Mama for answers and for comfort. She provided the answers I feared, but instead of comforting me, she only added, “At least you have more time left than I do.”

Her response didn’t comfort me then or in the years that followed. I worried about death and grieved, knowing that my life would eventually end.

At the age of thirty-six, Mama was diagnosed with lung cancer and was gone six months later. It was years before I let myself read her diaries, but when I did, it was these two sentences that changed my perspective on life and all I believed:

“I don’t know why I spent my life worrying about my age. Now I just wish I could grow old.”

The one thing that Mama feared the most became the thing she most desired — simply to grow old.

I was fifteen when Mama died. I went from a carefree teenager, whose greatest concerns were tests and basketball games, to the woman of the house. I planned meals and bought groceries. I washed and ironed Daddy’s shirts. My identity wasn’t dependent on numbers and milestones. Time was no longer a thief stealing days from my life but was, instead, a reminder of how many days I’d been blessed to live.

When I turned forty-five, I was asked if it bothered me to turn another year older. I responded, “Why would I be upset over the fact that I was allowed to turn forty-five? I’m celebrating another year that I got to live and experience the things I enjoy and to be with the people I love. How could I ever be upset about that?”

I now see each day as a continuation of the preceding one, separated by a moment of darkness. Like the ever-seeing eye that for a second is hidden behind a heavy lid, yearning for yet hurrying through the blink, a day is hidden by darkness, only to be renewed by it.

Although time is invisible, I once allowed it to definite my life. By putting it into neat little boxes called days, I learned to put too much emphasis on ever-changing numbers and lost sight of the only number that really mattered — one.

Although Mama left this world with hair that was yet to gray, she was given the same thing as those whose bodies were lined with age — one life. It wasn’t a life to be compared to that of another, but to be lived as if there was no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow — only today.



1、 赌输人生,攀富还债引连环悲剧 为还债“嫁”女儿,婚礼前夕出车祸2006年6月,赵娜中考成绩揭晓,距普通高中录取分数线还差40分。这一结果,彻底激化了父亲赵东升与母亲孙爱菊之。

2、 人生,是有次第 我很小的时候就发现一个事:同样的温度下,比如说15摄氏度,在春天的时候,秋裤你就穿不住了,而在秋天的时候呢,这个秋裤你穿得正合适。那时候,我只觉。

3、 真正改变人生,是这几个小时 》》》 01以前听人说,下班后两小时,决定你会成为一个怎样的人。其实,早晨的时间比晚上的时间效率更高,更宝贵。白天要上课、学习、工作,要和人。

4、 拥有高度自律人生,是一种怎样体验 如何衡量一个人的人生有无意义?试着把你从小到大的人生经历说成一个故事,如果你的人生被说成一个好听的故事,那就有意义了,就有核心了。人生几乎所有。

5、 每个人的人生,都是偶然 独木舟,青春文艺类畅销作家,最新作品《一粒红尘II》正在热卖。一直关注着我的人,大概都知道,我这几年,其实是不太好过的。在一切公开的社交平台。

6、 爱谈人生,是一种病 我曾有个伟大的爱好——谈人生。每次实践这个伟大的爱好时,有好几个瞬间,我都找到一种做伟人的感觉。这种感觉让我乐此不疲,直到有一天。那万恶的一。