快捷分类: 论文近义词替换 期刊的近义词什么 硕士毕业论文答辩词 南词叙录的论文 词块理论文献综述 中英颜色词的翻译文献综述

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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:近义词辨析论文 更新时间:2024-01-29


1. ___ English we must learn other eight subjects at school.

A. Except forB. Besides

C. ButD. Except

2. I know nothing about him ___ that he is an English-man.

A. besidesB. except

C. apart fromD. except for

3. Who is to ___ for the accident, the driver or the walker?

A. blameB. scold

C. punishD. pay

4. When you are being taken photos of, you should stay ___ .

A. quietB. silent

C. calmD. still

5. In face of danger, he remained ___ .

A. silentB. calm

C. quietD. still

6. When you live in a ___ village, you can’t be well-informed.

A. quietB. silent

C. stillD. calm

7. The police haven’t discovered the ___ of the serious traffic accident so far.

A. reasonB. explanation

C. causeD. excuse

8. Have you turned to the dictionary to find out the ___ for the new word?

A. directionB. description

C. explanationD. introduction

9. All his classmates ___ him on his winning the prize in the maths contest.

A. celebratedB. congratulated

C. welcomedD. greeted

10. The taxi driver ___ me too much for driving me to the airport that day.

A. chargedB. spent

C. costD. paid

11. The students are given $50 a term to cover the ___ of books and studying materials.

A. priceB. cost

C. payD. value

12. High unemployment ___ the government billions of pounds in lost taxes.

A. costsB. charges

C. losesD. spends

13. However, the customer would only ___ half the price for the skirt.

A. chargeB. cost

C. offerD. buy

14. As you know, all the natural resources are possessed and managed by the ___ .

A. countryB. land

C. nationD. state

15. Yesterday the president spoke on TV to the ___ about the prevention against the terrible disease.

A. stateB. nation

C. countryD. land

16. They can’t live on ___ . They must stay in the water.

A. landB. earth

C. groundD. soil

17. For the next ten years, he had not sent a single ___ to his parents.

A. messageB. news

C. informationD. notice

18. The ___ why Eileen didn’t turn up at the meeting was not made clear.

A. reasonB. cause

C. excuseD. matter

19. He thought this painting of mine of great ___ , and would ___ at least $10,000 for it.



1、 易写错字辨析(三) 小饭铺常见的错别字——馄饨和饸饹小饭铺大多卖“馄饨(h%n tun)”,因为它是大众食品;也有不少饭铺开始卖“饸饹(h9 le)”了,因为都。

2、 易写错字辨析(二十二) 好米到底是什么米?——谈粳米、糯米、籼米的关系稻米主要出产在南方,北方人对稻米知之甚少。儿童时期只知道大米饭(又叫白米饭)比小米饭好吃;少年。

3、 人间词、人间词话论著编年叙录(四) 2000年陈永正《王国维诗词全编校注》由中山大学出版社出版。马正平著《生命的空间:〈人间词话〉的当代解读》由中国社会科学出版社出版。该书分上。

4、 漫话辛弃疾英雄人和英雄词(一) 诗词,是从诗人心底里流出的生命体验。每家的诗词,都有独特的生命内涵。要了解每家词作的独特性,必须了解词人的独特个性。想要深入领会辛弃疾的词,先需。

5、 一个时代热词(组诗) 迎接迎接春天的花开也迎接夏天的酷热迎接金秋的收获也迎接严冬的残酷迎接欢呼和掌声也迎接挫折和挑战迎接责任和使命也迎接指责和批评迎。

6、 夜叙事词(组诗) 夜的叙事词更为深不可测的陷阱,在路灯后沉默微弱的光线,是身体撕开的零星的口子他摇摆着四肢,无形的手在推着他旋转他内心的洞穴,就快要露出端。