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分类:论文范文 原创主题:毕加索论文 更新时间:2024-03-26


Picasso’s mother said that the first word he uttered was “pencil”. One story tells that he stared to draw before he learned to say any words at all. He was interested in drawing, painting, and sculpturing from the time he was a all boy in Spain. Picasso was an inventor and explorer. However, he didn’t invent machines or explore strange places. Instead, he explored and experimented with art. He was always able to work anywhere or anytime, day and night. He carved a figure from the nearest stick of wood, painted with his fingers, made drawings with a rusty nail, and even made a bull’s head from the handlebars and seat of a bicycle. Picasso painted Spanish fighting bulls, horse races and clowns. He painted people and animals as they are. He also invented a kind of art called cubi, which is made up of simple shapes like squares or cubes. If you look closely at the picture named Three Musicians, you’ll see not only shapes but also three men. What other things can you find in the picture? Picasso explored the world of art and discovered new ways of looking at our world.




1、 中国毕加索世界周国桢 2011年11月11日至22日,“周国桢现代陶艺回顾展”在中国美术馆以三个展厅的宏大形式展出,5个时期、100余件陶艺作品以其展现中国陶艺发展诗。

2、 寻访毕加索 每天在这大海上航行,感受着白昼与夜晚的交替,更明确地懂得了拂晓、黎明、清晨……这些名词所包含的意义,以及它们之间的区别。船到巴塞罗那。大家都到。

3、 穷死的梵高,富死的毕加索 穷人有穷的原因,富人有富的理由。穷人为什么穷?富人为什么富?因为富人会讲故事,而穷人不会。梵高与毕加索都是天才画家,但毕加索生前就是故事大王,而。

4、 毕加索惊呼 1944年8月25日,盟军从纳粹德军手中重新夺回了巴黎。之后,美国士兵开始排着队,参观毕加索位于巴黎格兰奥格斯汀大街的画室,毕加索给予了热情的接。

5、 大家好,我是亚马逊先生贝索斯 杰夫·貝索斯1月初与哈利·贝瑞(Halle Berry)、克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)等好莱坞名流一起参加了金球奖晚会。

6、 毕飞宇获法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章 8月21日,法国文化部授予中国著名作家毕飞宇法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章。授勳仪式在法国驻上海总领事馆官邸举行。法兰西文学艺术骑士勳章1957年由法。