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分类:论文范文 原创主题:你的生活论文 更新时间:2024-03-29


For most people, gadgets like art phones and wearable computers are nothing more than the magical little machines. However, they probably don’t know who invented the first art watch or the person who ped the way for art refrigerators that can tell you when you’re out of milk.

Many of the world’s biggest inventions that he made life possible and tranormed entire industries came from the minds of overlooked and underrated geniuses.

Let’s meet the talented men and women together who’ve shaped our reliance on and expectations for technology, but who aren’t as widely known as they should be.




1. Bertha Benz—Mother of Motoring


Bertha Benz, the wife of the German engineer, Karl Benz, was a trailblzing woman and credited today with inventing the first modern car. Karl was apparently a genius engineer, but he didn’t he the same business acumen or vision as his wife. He didn’t even think to fit the vehicle with a fuel tank, but Bertha does.


2. Florence Parpart—Creator of The Modern Refrigerator


In 1914, Florence Parpart, a housewife from New Jersey, won a patent for the first modern refrigerator that used electricity, rendering the icebox obsolete. It is believed that she may he used her fiancé’s expertise in electrical circuitry to assist with the first prototype.Anyway, She is a talented woman.


3. Marie Van Brittan Brown—Mother of Home Security Siren


As a nurse who worked odd hours, Marie was concerned about the recent increase in crime and wanted to easily identify visitors at the door.

She with the help of her husband Albert Brown, an electronics technician, devised a mechani featuring four peep holes and a motorized camera, which could slide up and down to look out each one. The surveillance device also ge a homeowner the ability to unlock the door with a remote control, or press a button to alert a nearby neighbor or security firm.

Patented in 1969, Marie’s invention is now the framework for modern home security, crime prevention, and traffic monitoring.




4. Edward Thorp—Father of Wearable Computer


Edward Thorp, MIT mathematics professor and Hedge Fund manager, loved beating the odds so much. In 1961, Thorp under the help of his co-conspirator, professor Claude Shannon, who had worked on cryptography and code-breaking during World War II, created what is widely regarded as the first wearable computer. And he used the wearable computer to help him win at casinos.




1、 空间改变生活 十九大报告提出,坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位。这一论断或许也为当下的房企指明了发展方向:让提供的产品更有温度,让购房者更喜欢住在这里。原。

2、 不要被别人的看法禁锢了你的生活 想被所有人喜欢几乎是不可能的。若要八面玲珑,就得放弃自我。想取悦所有人,必定会身心俱疲。想讨好所有人,也一定不会被所有人深爱。其实,这个世界。

3、 猛人被大佬鄙视了于是世界改变了 1三国时期,孙策曾经被当时最大的大佬宣布为没戏。故事发生在河南许都(今河南许昌),当时,那里正举办一场高峰论坛,论坛的场地并不奢华——就是个。

4、 史上最严食安法怎样改变我们生活 新版《食品安全法》三易其稿后,将于今年10月1日起正式实施。这部号称“史上最严”的食品重典从农作物生产、食品加工、市场流通、安全监管、消费维权等。

5、 一次同学聚会改变了她生活 浙 江衢州何晓婷是一名70后,曾毕业于衢州学院,但作为一名初中生的妈妈,说起对孩子辅导作业方面难免也会摇头,直叹家庭作业难度过大,自己受到的教育。

6、 银联『天天掌柜』悄然改变大众生活 当你在超市推着装满商品的购物车,经过长时间的等候,终于来到了收银台,看着收银员扫描完所有物品,告诉你付款金额,你可能因为几毛钱还要手忙脚乱地翻遍。