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关于日本小孩论文范文 日本小孩为何能独自上学相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:日本小孩论文 更新时间:2024-01-25


It’s a common sight on Japanese mass transit: Children troop through train cars,1 singly or in small groups, looking for seats. They wear knee socks, polished patent-leather shoes, and plaid jumpers, with wide-brimmed hats fastened under the chin and train passes pinned to their backpacks.2 The kids are as young as six or seven, on their way to and from school, and there is nary a guardian in sight.3

A popular television show called Hajimete no Otsukai, or My First Errand, features children as young as two or three being sent out to do a task for their family.4 As they tentatively make their way to the greengrocer or bakery, their progress is secretly filmed by a camera crew.5 The show has been running for more than 25 years.

KaKaito, a 12-year-old in Tokyo, has been riding the train by himself between the homes of his parents, who share his custody6, since he was nine. “At first I was a little worried,” he admits, “whether I could ride the train alone. But only a little worried.” Now, he says, it’s easy. His parents were apprehensive7 at first, too, but they went ahead because they felt he was old enough, and lots of other kids were doing it safely.

“Honestly, what I remember thinking at the time is, the trains are safe and on time and easy to navigate8, and he’s a smart kid,”Kaito’s stepmother says. “I took the trains on my own when I was younger than him in Tokyo,” She recalls. “We didn’t have cellphones back in my day, but I still managed to go from point A to point B on the train. If he gets lost, he can call us.”

What accounts for9 this unusual degree of independence? Not self-sufficiency, in fact, but “group reliance,” according to Dwayne Dixon, a cultural anthropologist who wrote his doctoral dissertation on Japanese youth.10 “[Japanese] kids learn early on that, ideally, any member of the community can be called on to serve or help others,” he says.

This assumption is reinforced at school,11 where children take turns cleaning and serving lunch instead of relying on staff to perform such duties. This “distributes labor across various shoulders and rotates expectations,12 while also teaching everyone what it takes to clean a toilet, for instance,”Dixon says.

Taking responsibility for shared spaces means that children have pride of ownership and understand in a concrete way the consequences of making a mess, since they’ll have to clean it up themselves.13 This ethic14 extends to public space more broadly (one reason Japanese streets are generally so clean). A child out in public knows he can rely on the group to help in an emergency.



1、 那些被日本人蠢哭的瞬间 所有的规则都太死板了,你哪怕有一点点的与众不同,都会给自己带来麻烦。前两周我去东京的美国大使馆面签。那天我起了个大早,还精心打扮得文雅清秀 。。

2、 在日本买房做民宿能赚钱吗 最近,有位投资人在京都买了100套房子做民宿,甚至把一条街都买了下来。我身边也有不少朋友咨询我,是否值得投资日本房产做民宿呢?正好,我们就以这位。

3、 宝瑞通和日本BRANDOFF达成战略合作 宝瑞通“真”的价值,不仅仅在于一件产品的品质,更是长久以来对企业良心的一种坚守,是对消费者负责的企业价值导向的一种体现。3月16日,宝瑞通与日。

4、 终于,英国小孩也得学中文了 11月16日是Jack Maager小朋友4岁的生日。这一天,学校的老师和同学们为他准备了小皇冠,大家坐在教室的地板上,跟着面前大屏幕里播放的视。

5、 被忽略日本海外并购热潮 在从2006年开始的新一轮海外收购热潮中,很多日本大型企业都在对上世纪80年代的收购热进行反思,那时看待海外市场的眼光不够成熟,操之过急,现在紧。

6、 为什么要生小孩 几年前,我在北京东北三环陪一个朋友看房子。其中有一个小区比周边小区贵了40%,却也看不出它比其他小区先进在何处。我问中介的人,这家为什么这么贵。。