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分类:论文范文 原创主题:成功学论文 更新时间:2024-01-27


Who doesn’t love a “how to succeed” list? They’re fun to read and easy to share, which perhaps explains why there are so many of them. And the advice they give often sounds reasonable: The World Economic Forum published a post, in cooperation with Business Insider,1 listing 14 things successful people do before breakfast. It includes items such as drinking water and making your bed. A list that Forbes published claims every successful person shares this quality: “They know when to stay and when to leave.” This list, from Entrepreneur, advises readers to stop seeing problems, and start seeing opportunities; this one, from Inc., encourages readers to give up needing approval and fixating on their weaknesses.2

But as palatable3 as these lists are, they can do damage. There are several reasons why they may be not only useless but also potentially harmful to decision makers, managers, and entrepreneurs.

Evidence is anecdotal4. Most of the advice these lists contain is based on subjective interpretations of personal accounts, not on systematic, scientific analyses. Unless advice has been evaluated through evidence-based methods, you can’t judge its validity. In addition, half-baked analyses of anecdotal evidence often blur the lines between cause and consequence. Is someone successful because they avoided meetings, or are they able to avoid meetings because they are successful? A host of behaviors that successful people supposedly share—not caring what others think of them, avoiding meetings, putting first things first, saying no to almost everything—may be luxuries that only the extremely successful can enjoy, and only after they became successful in the eyes of others. Thus some behaviors are what success has brought them, and not the other way around.

Research doesn’t always transfer to different contexts. Some lists do draw heavily from research, but academic research is often very context-specific. As often happens with complex problems, the solutions and their applications are more nuanced than the forms they’re presented in and depend heavily on the context and circumstances in which people find themselves.

Failures are silent. In The Black Swan, Nassim Taleb recounts an anecdote Cicero told about the Greek poet Diagoras of Melos.5 When Diagoras was told that praying saves sailors from drowning, he wondered about those who prayed but drowned anyway.

Prayer receives credit for saving sailors because all those who survived prayed. Yet this strategy is utterly useless if those who died also prayed, which is a fair assumption. If everybody prayed and only a few survived, then praying doesn’t really matter. It just seems like it does to those who survived and those who can observe them.



1、 学霸前锋突围成功 当快要被唾沫淹死的“国足”终于在2015年亚洲杯上扬眉吐气,足球该有的魅力又重新归位,并再次激活了我们对中国足球那份朴实的期待与热爱。几乎是同一。

2、 为什么机场书店卖都是成功学 机场商铺位,大概是租金最贵的地段之一,可以买到奢侈品化妆品、威士忌白兰地、中华烟、星巴克……以及,成功学书籍。在机场书店,这样的场景你一定很熟。

3、 落马厅长王登记成功学 欲望这事,用好了叫上进心,用不好则是吞噬自身的黑洞。陕西省国土厅原厅长王登记,就跌进了这黑洞里。新京报日前通过调查,还原了他与多名煤老板之间的。

4、 让学困生在课堂上尝到成功的快乐 《小学课程标准》积极倡导自主、合作、探究学习的学习方式,强调了学生是学习活动的主体,课堂上开展自主学习活动,教师要关注学生的个体差异和不同学生的。

5、 方力钧不成功学 当方力钧成为某种文化符号和成功标志的时候,人们观察他,谈论他,利用他,消费他……有时候,人们更关心的是:方力钧是怎样炼成的?方力钧为什么会成功。

6、 我眼中世俗成功学 我痛恨成功学。首先,在我的世界观里,“成功”比“爱情”更难定义,或者我认为的“成功”和社会普遍认为“成功”相差太远。我认识一个老哥,他一辈子。