
关于缝合论文范文 缝合历史相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:缝合论文 更新时间:2024-03-06


W hen my grandmother died at the age of 96 in 2015, there were two things she left behind in abundance: photo albums documenting decades of travel and home life, and her quilts.1 I was living in China at the time of her death, and I couldn’t come home for the funeral. Instead, I wrote a brief message that my father read on my behalf, recalling some of my fondest memories of her. She loved birdwatching and we used to write letters back and forth to each other, even when I was living abroad. I thought we always had a unique connection.

My grandmother lived alone for almost 20 years. After her death, my mother and her brother went through her home to sift through2 her belongings. Imagine what a person can collect in 96 years! Aside from the nearly 100 photo albums, my mother found about a dozen quilts. She gave me one of them. It is a large quilt that features pinwheels, a design in which triangles of fabric are sewn together to look like a wheel.3 Those squares of pinwheels are laid between pieces of blue fabric with tiny flowers.4

Quilting is the process of stitching together fabric to make one large piece of fabric, usually in a square or rectangular shape.5 Under that is a layer of material, usually made from wool, cotton or synthetic6 material. On the bottom is another large piece of fabric that is the same size as the top. The edges of the top and bottom fabrics are sewn together to make a quilt; the filling inside adds extra padding and insulation.7

On my mother’s side of the family, quilting and sewing is a tradition that has been passed down through the generations. My mother says her great-grandmother was a farm owner during the 19th century and would occasionally travel around New York State to sew clothing for families. She stayed in their homes while she was making dresses for women and suits for men, then she would go to a different home to sew for another family. Letting nothing go to waste, she used the leftover scraps8 of fabric to make quilts.

In early America, as with my great-grandmother, every piece of fabric was saved; nothing could go to waste. Women would often use those leftover fabric pieces to assemble a patchwork9 quilt, often referred to as a “crazy quilt” because there was no specific design. Later, this chaotic style gave way to the use of shapes like squares, diamonds10 and rectangles that were pieced together neatly to make a nicer-looking quilt.



1、 加强历史文化村落保护利用 摘 要:江山具有悠久的历史,文化资源丰富,近年来政府坚持以原真性保护、原住式开发、原特色利用确保新农村活力,努力实现“美在古村、住在古村、富在古。

2、 中汽协2018年11月汽车产量创历史新高 来自中汽协最新统计数据显示,2017年11月,我国汽车产销量环比、同比均呈现增长。当月汽车产销分别完成308万辆和295 8万辆,其中产量创历史。

3、 产品责任保险历史演进和基本范畴 摘 要:产品责任保险是承保产品对第三人造成的损失,与产品质量保险不同,它不承保产品质量问题。产品责任保险涉及的法律关系比较复杂,完善的法律制度是。

4、 特蕾西·潘内克时尚很快,历史很慢 10年,在李维斯上百年的品牌历史中,可能只是一段很小的时间维度。这个发明了牛仔裤的品牌,参与了20世纪以来的不少社会变革。从西部淘金工人的工装,。

5、 历史中发现中国 柯文先生从批判西方中心论的角度,深刻反思此前美国学界研究中国历史——尤其是近代中国历史——时的三种基本取向,即“冲击-回应”模式“传统-近代”模。

6、 美朝历史时刻 自1992年朝鲜公开发展核武器计划以来,美国和朝鲜——这对名义上仍处于战争状态的宿敌,开启了为期26年断续的外交谈判,然而,无论是克林顿政府19。