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关于短暂友谊论文范文 生命中那些短暂友谊相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:短暂友谊论文 更新时间:2024-03-27


W hen you think of friends, you tend to think of people who have been in your life for a long time: childhood friends, college friends, family friends. But there is another kind of friend, and another kind of friendship—one that does not unfold over a long period of time but springs entirely from a particular moment.1

The first such friend I remember is the little girl with red curly hair in the bed next to mine when I had my tonsils2 out. I was three or four. She was probably two years older and a great deal bolder. She would clamber out of bed in her striped pajamas whenever the nurse was gone.3 I don’t remember what she did, barefoot on the cold brown linoleum4, that so impressed me, but without her, I would have been alone and afraid.

In London, a year or two later, there was the Russian girl. It was a strange year for me. My mother had remarried and we would be moving to the United States. I didn’t really understand what that meant, I just knew that everything was changing. The Russian girl and I were the two oldest in our little school; the others were babies who couldn’t speak clearly and were still in diapers5. Our friendship took the form of fierce competition, since we were necessary, but unintelligible6, to each other. She spoke no English; I, no Russian. We communicated by trying to outdo7 each other—at drawing, at games, even at eating. A picky eater, I would choke down the watery powdered eggs in order to finish first.8 Our contests, I think, gave me something I could control. And maybe I gave her, who had already had to leave the familiar behind, the same.

In eighth grade, there was Jenny. In our polite, suburban girls’ school, she stood out, her hair in rough brown braids, her hands stained with gentian violet from treating a barbed wire cut on her pony, Redwing.9 I loved to stay at her house, a warm, untidy farmhouse out in the country with a complement of cats and dogs. Eighth grade was a terrible year. We both knew it, but we didn’t have to talk about it. We spent most of our time in the barn with Redwing. On cold winter days, Jenny showed me how she would lie on Redwing’s back, under the horse blanket. Then we’d go out on long treks, taking turns riding and walking. She left in ninth grade and I missed her. We had gotten each other through a difficult time.

Anyone with children knows the rapid friendships formed with parallel parents10, some of whose names you can barely recall. To Julie, I will be forever grateful.



1、 余一鸣书写生命痛感 近日揭晓的江苏省第四届紫金山文学奖中,小说家余一鸣的《不二》荣获紫金山文学奖中篇小说奖。在媒体的报道中,似乎一个文学新人的形象正出现于大众视野中。

2、 中职语文教学中生命教育 摘 要:中职学校担负着为社会培养心理健康、品质高尚、有较高素养技能型人才的崇高使命,因此在中职学生中开展重视生命价值、绽放生命华彩的生命教育就显。

3、 基于产品生命周期理论营销策略 摘 要:随着居民对商品的消费需求逐渐增大,利用产品特点来扩大市场占有率,获得更高利润是企业的经营之路,应用产品生命周期理论,提出市场营销策略,对。

4、 全生命周期工程造价管理 摘 要:工程建设规模的不断扩大,对工程造价管理水平提出了更高的要求,需要相关的人员能够结合工程建设的实际概况,加强各种管理措施的合理运用,全面提。

5、 中小企业生命周期对融资影响分析 【摘要】企业生命的周期是说企业早期创立,中期发展,晚期开始衰退和到最后可能破产的的一个过程。在不同的企业或许也有着不同的生命周期,但在这些企业发。

6、 基于产品生命周期成本控制 【摘 要】 基于产品生命周期理论,对产品生命周期各阶段的成本进行分析,以此建立产品成本信息库,利用成本信息库使财务人员与产品设计人员在产品研发设。