
关于塑料袋论文范文 塑料袋,想恨你不容易相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:塑料袋论文 更新时间:2024-03-29


It’s not hard to see why everyone’s worried about plastic. The seas are unquestionably heavily polluted with plastic, as are some rivers and streams. Frans Timmermans, vice-president of the European Commission1, recently declared war on“single-use plastics that take five seconds to produce, are used for five minutes, then take 500 years to break down again.” It’s utterly depressing to think that plastic bags, yoghurt pots and disposable cups will be the chief archaeological2 relics of our age.


But when public opinion is so much in agreement on an issue, we should all be on our guard. It’s exactly when everyone agrees about an issue that bad decisions are made, some with awful and far-reaching unintended consequences.

The trouble with the new plastic obsession is the same trouble we had with carbon emissions 20 years ago. Environmental policy becomes so focused on one specific, fashionable problem that no one notices that the proposed solutions are, in other ways, making matters worse. In the case of carbon emissions, the Blair government3 (along with the European Commission) became so fixated in cutting the amount of CO2 that they encouraged motorists to switch to diesel—inadvertently sanctioning an increase in deadly nitrogen oxide emissions.4

This is the risk we now face with the war on plastic. If supermarkets follow through on their recent promises to ban plastic packaging, it’s a struggle to see how they will keep fruit and veg fresh for long. The very people we’ve tried so hard to encourage to eat well will revert back to Turkey Twizzlers. It is easy now to forget what shopping was like before supermarkets transformed the British diet in the 1970s, before chiller cabinets and the revolution in food packaging, to which the traditional seasonal shortage of fresh vegetables was eliminated owes a lot.

You’re only really entitled to feel virtuous about eschewing5 plastic if you look carefully into the effect on the environment of your chosen alternative. Take Gove’s coffee cup.6 There have already been rumblings7 about overharvesting of bamboo in China’s Sichuan Province. There is more general concern, too, about the wide-scale use of plant-based alternatives to oil-derived plastics. As long as bioplastic remains a niche product for concerned middle classes,8 the land issue isn’t important. If bioplastics are adopted across industry, it will be a genuine cause for concern.



1、 牢记道家养生十不过,想不长寿都难 1 衣不过暖。人体经脉气血畅通,就不会有寒冷的感觉。“衣不过暖”指的是不能过度依赖多穿衣来实现保暖作用,而是要提高人体自身的抗病能力和生命活力。。

2、 验算,想爱你也容易 摘 要:验算是计算教学不可或缺的环节,小学生在计算中出现错误,大多数是没有养成良好的验算习惯造成的。调查显示,小学生普遍缺乏验算的意识和习惯,验。

3、 国家实验室,想做科研,去这高地 大家对国家重点实验室比较熟悉,对国家实验室可能听得较少,其实它比前者还要高大上很多。什么是国家实验室?为什么要大力建设国家实验室?习近平在对《。

4、 低价旅游App,想吃馅饼,小心陷阱! “近日,上海市浦东新区人民检察院依法以涉嫌合同诈骗罪对犯罪嫌疑人徐某、种某某批准逮捕。”3月初,当这一消息传到“布拉旅行维权群”“布拉2万以上群。

5、 慢就业,想爱你有点难 近日,国家统计局公布了一项针对上海应届高校毕业生就业情况的调查报告。报告显示,部分应届毕业生毕业后既不打算马上就业,也不打算继续深造,而是准备在。

6、 光卖米饭就能年赚1个亿,想吃一碗还得提前2个月预约! 相对很多行业来说,餐饮业的门檻很低,但能入行并不代表能赚钱,很多小餐馆都在亏本和保本之间挣扎。但是有人,光靠着卖白米饭就能每年赚1个亿,你信不。