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关于调查分析论文范文 中学生英语阅读现状调查分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:调查分析论文 更新时间:2024-04-21


Abstract: High school English learning is very important in the process of language learning, so the study of reading strategies used by senior high school students can give some enlightenment for Chinese teaching in senior high schools. Studies have shown that the frequency of metacognitive and cognitive strategies is summed up by the high school students when they read the English note-taking article, which they least like. Students often do not evaluate their reading.

Key words: Reading strategy; Learning strategy; Reading proficiency; Teaching of English reading in high schools

1. Introduction

1.1 The role of reading in foreign language learning

Reading is the basis of mastering knowledge, acquiring information and improving the ability of language application. It is also an important aspect of language use. English Teaching in China is a foreign language teaching, lacking the actual environment of language teaching. As far as foreign language teaching is concerned, China’s foreign language teaching is based on the teaching of reading (Hu Chundong, 1998). The main channel to provide English learning environment is reading, and reading is the main way to consolidate acquired knowledge and master new knowledge.

1.2 The reasons for the study of senior high school students

The mental development of senior high school students tends to mature, and their self-consciousness develops rapidly. The students in the self consciousness in the development of self discovery, self differentiation and establishment of self and objective self understanding, self treat and clear self performance, sensitive and self defense self value, showing the characteristics of self-discipline.

2. Literature Review

Nowadays, foreign language teaching emphasizes the input of language. According to the rules of language learning, the improvement of foreign language application ability is based on a large amount of language input. Reading and listening is a process to accept and understand the information, but our English Teaching in primary and secondary schools lack the natural language of the social environment, the input channel of listening is not extensive, language input will rely more on classroom teaching and students’ extracurricular reading widely and effectively.

2.1 Study on the relationship between learning strategies and academic achievement

Many experimental studies have explored the influence of learning strategies on two or foreign languages from various perspectives. The results show that learners’ academic performance is related to the use of learning strategies. Wen Qiufang (1995) compared to two of the initial score of the same English majors, although they learn almost in the same conditions, different learning methods lead to four grade exam scores big gap, thus draws the conclusion: learning method has a direct impact on learning achievement.

2.2 The definition of English Reading Strategies

In the study of second language reading, researchers studied language proficiency, background knowledge, mother tongue, second language reading strategies, motivation and so on. There is no doubt about the restriction of readers’ language ability and background knowledge, but there are different opinions about the second language reading strategy.

3. Conclusion

Middle school students’ English reading plays an important role in improving students’ English proficiency, broadening their knowledge and developing interest in english. Under the guidance of cognitive theory, the author believes that reading strategies play an important role in the reading process.


[1] 丁昌佑. “減负”的关键在老师——NMET2000的启示[J]. 中小学英语教学和研究, 2000(06).

[2] 葛文山. 吉、晋、浙、苏NEMT听力部分评析及其对应策略[J]. 中小学英语教学和研究, 2001(03).

[3] 郭平建,郑建凤. 中学生使用英语学习策略的调查和分析[J]. 中小学英语教学和研究, 2002(02).




1、 探究如何提高中学生英语阅读能力 英语是中学的基础课程,对学生阅读理解能力的要求非常高。同时英语阅读在中考和高考中所占比值较大,几乎占到了整个英语试卷分数的一半,主要考查学生英语。

2、 元认知和中学生英语阅读理解的相关 【摘 要】 中学阶段英语阅读教学应该与元认知知识水平逐步提高融为一体。教师应该在帮助学生首先明确元认知知识重要性的前提下,将元认知策略训练纳入到。

3、 滁州市为例学前儿童早期阅读现状调查 内容摘要:3-6岁对于学前儿童来说是语言飞速发展、培养言表达能力的关键期、敏感期。通过对滁州市三所幼儿园亲子早期阅读的情况调查,我们了解到部分家。

4、 高职秘书英语阅读资料调查报告 摘要:高职教育要面向社会、面向企业,高职教育服务于社会是高职教育生命力的体现。本调查报告旨在通过对我系毕业生实习实训的校外实训基地和毕业生就业单。

5、 提高中学生英语阅读理解能力方法 摘 要:学生英语阅读理解能力弱对学生英语学科成绩有着很大的影响。在英语学科考试中,阅读题占的分值相当高。在英语教学中,阅读课的教学又是相当重要的。

6、 如何培养中学生英语阅读能力 对于将英语作为外语的中国人来说,英语阅读不仅是英语学习的目的,而且是英语学习的主要手段和途径。英语阅读技能不仅是最重要的语言技能之一,也是学生必。