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分类:论文范文 原创主题:TradeImbalance论文 更新时间:2024-01-16


the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) submitted in mid-November a statement to the WTO refusing to grant market economy status (MES) to China. The U.S. decision, which was made public on November 30, confi rms that it holds the same position as the EU of opposing China“automatically” obtaining MES. The USTR submitted the statement as a third-party brief in support of the EU. In December 2016, China brought a case against the EU because the latter refused to grant MES to China and continued using the surrogate country approach in its anti-dumping cases against China.

According to Section 15 of China’s accession protocol, signed upon the nation’s WTO entry in 2001, the surrogate country approach expired on December 11, 2016, and all WTO members must abandon the approach when calculating anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports thereafter.

At a press conference of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on December 1, spokesman Geng Shuang said, “ The concept of the so-called non-market economy cannot be found in multilateral WTO rules, since it was created by several countries during the Cold War.” The surrogate country approach in anti-dumping cases must be abandoned, as scheduled in China’s accession protocol, and it “has nothing to do with whether or not China meets the so-called MES standards.”

China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the U.S. opposition on December 2, saying that the U.S. is in defiance of WTO rules and misleads the public by confusing the surrogate country approach with MES.

MOFCOM said the case is irrelevant to MES, and WTO rules include no criteria of MES. The U.S. is not a country concerned in that case, and China has brought another case against the U.S. to the WTO.

Bai Ming, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said whether or not the U.S. recognizes China’s MES, it should no longer be connected with the surrogate country approach because it doesn’t exist in WTO rules.“China must also guard against the risks of increasing frictions in international trade brought by this,” Bai told National Business Daily.

Some WTO members once used domestic prices in Singapore and the U.S. as references to evaluate prices of Chinese products. By these standards, they confirmed the dumping of Chinese products and then decided to levy high anti-dumping duties.

“With the surrogate country approach, the standards of dumping would be excessively extended,” said Bai, adding that in anti-dumping investigations against China, some countries tend to choose markets with high costs or other non-typical markets as the “surrogate countries,” thus easily confi rming the existence of dumping.




