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关于北京龙山教堂论文范文 北京龙山教堂相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:北京龙山教堂论文 更新时间:2024-03-07






A religious building, rich of ooth the contents of western religiousculture and the atmosphere of Holy Spirit, was created at Longshan Town,a large scaled low density housing area in the scenery zone in HuairouCounty, Beijing, China, Under the Ohnese style of high speed and largescale development, the church Drcducos a culture atmosphere with humanculture characlers. The church consists of two linking up masses; The firstspace to enter is an adytum space of 8.4 X 8,4 meters, a place el boththe forecouri toward the main hall and the space for meditation and soulpurilication, The front hall is paved with raw wood floor arid the sand stoneuncovered on the walls spreads the deposited artistic conception amongthe thickness and mass. Behind the front hall and the forecourt is the mainhall of 16.S X 16.8 meters in plan, the same size as the front hall The roofsof the two halls are all declined at 45°, giving an image of two contraryspaces that one is big and the other is small; one is cupped and the otheris raised. Massive and solemn, the exterior elevation of the construction ismade of blue gray basalt stone A series of vertically narrowed widows of20 cm wide are rich of rhythm The elevations of the windows are raised ata given slope The sunlight spreads into the church through the fluctuatedwindows and makes the atmosphere of solemn church warm and peacefulDifferent from massive and sculpture feeling of the exteriority of the building,the colors of its interior space are light, bright and changing. Giving the visitora quite different feeling of the interiority and exteriority, which may possiblyreflects such a situation that the exterior environment is so uproariouswhile people desires for peacefulness Corresponding to the elegancy andscenery of the small town where the church is located, the design of thelandscapes surrounding the church are simple and recapilulalory Wilhthe tall cedar troes, raw stoned wails and the natural slone benches in thesquare, it delivers an atmosphere different from its neighboring residentialsurroundings. The dock tower delivers pleasant bell sound to the citizenswho live this small town



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