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关于京津冀论文范文 京津冀协同背景下连接区构想相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:京津冀论文 更新时间:2024-03-17


[摘 要]在京津冀协同发展的过程中,不仅要强调京津大都市职能向腹地疏解,还要充分重视连接区的建设.连接区是将邻近中等城市中心地连接在一起的区域,其城镇化水平较低,构建新城的成本较低,因此在大都市职能向腹地疏解的过程中,成为在大城市周边构建副中心城市的理想区位.雄安新区就是典型的连接区.为了更好地推进京津冀协同发展,在雄安新区之外还要考虑其他四个连接区:定沧连接区、京张连接区、京承连接区、津唐连接区.连接区的发展不仅要着眼于区内城镇体系的构建,还要强化连接区和周边县级中心地的整合程度.连接区的构建需要以顶层设计为前提,要突破行政区划限制,着眼于长期发展目标.连接区在发展过程中会出现较高的城镇化速度,进而成为城镇化的“隆起区”,也会成为行政级别多变的区域.


[中图分类号]F129 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1671-8372(2017)03-0001-07

The development ideas of connection area under the background of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

MENG Xiang-lin

(School of Marxism, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China)

Abstract: During the collaborative development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, not only relieving the function of Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan to the hinterland should be emphasized, but also the construction of connection area should be concentrated on. Connected area is the area where the nearby medium-sized city centers are connected, and its level of urbanization is relatively low, and then the cost for building new city is low too; thus, in the process of relieving the function of big city to the hinterland, it will be the ideal location to construct deputy center around big cities. Xiongan new district is a typical connection area. In order to better promote the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, other four districts must also be considered in addition to Xiongan new district: Ding-Cang connected area, Jing-Zhang connected area, Jing-Cheng connected area, and Jing-Tang connected area. In the process of developing the connection area, we should not only put emphasis on the construction of urban system in the connected area, but also strengthen the integration between the link area and the surrounding country centers. The construction of the connected area must be based on the premise of the top-level design, breaking though the administrative limits, and focusing on the long-term development goal. In the process of development, the connection area will have a high speed of urbanization, and then this area will be the“uplift area” of urbanization, and finally it will also become the area where the administrative levels are changeable.

Key words:the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; connection area; Xiongan new district; administrative divisions; the development idea





1、 京津冀协同背景下北京治理 [摘要] 在京津冀协同发展的背景下,北京治理面临战略定位与治理模式选择、协同发展与地方利益博弈、治理分权与协同分权、区域协同发展与治理主体多元化。

2、 京津冀协同背景下天津市体育休闲城市建设 从全球的视角看,“大休闲时代”已经来临,休闲、娱乐活动和休闲旅游业将成为下一个经济大潮。每一届的奥运会、足球世界杯等全球性赛事都会引起不同的国家。

3、 京津冀协同背景下河北省高职院校产教融合 [提要] 本文从相关概念概述入手,着重分析京津冀协同发展背景下河北省高职院校产教融合的必要性,并探索其存在的问题,提出京津冀协同发展背景下河北省。

4、 京津冀协同背景下科技人才合作共享机制 摘要:京津冀区域协同发展需要建立在科技支撑和人才引领的背景上。当前京津冀地区的发展已经成了多层次和多元化的科技合作格局,但是其中仍旧存在科技合作。

5、 关于京津冀协同背景下北京市职业教育改革 摘要:北京市职业教育改革发展是主动适应经济发展新常态的重要举措,关系到能否坚持首都核心功能、构建“高精尖”经济结构的大局。当前,北京市职业教育在。

6、 京津冀协同背景下土地集约利用 摘 要 “京津冀协同发展”是国家重点实施的区域发展战略,有利于促进区域城市群的形成和发展,提升区域竞争力。为了避免石家庄在发展中可能产生的一系列。