
关于ProfessionsForWoman论文范文 ProfessionsForWoman相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:ProfessionsForWoman论文 更新时间:2024-01-16


Abstract:Virginia Woolf advocates the Femini.She is a author who is known for experimentation and innovation in novel writing.And she is also a pioneer of woman’s liberation from patriarchy.Two major obstacles are risen by the author in the speech.One is the phantom existing in our minds.The other is the bondage of real society to women.It will take a long period time for people to change their thoughts and subvert the traditional concept.

Key words:woman;profession;self-consciousness;femini

The first time I get through over it,I should acknowledge that the author has a strong sense of herself.Through her sarcastic and confident tone,we all should realize she must be the leader of the rise of modern women’s consciousness.She uses metaphor and technical writing skill to express herself in a cryptical way.

Woolf strongly advocated femini,she believes that modern novels should focus on describing the inner world of human beings,the portrayal of the inner world can express deep-seated problems,rather than purely describe the reality of life.The reali style in English literature are fashionable since the Victoria era,however,Woolf’s thought was greatly opposed to the society at that time.In her diaries and commentaries,many of the works relate to women.What she wants to do is that she wants to emphasize the importance of women and the importance of rising women up.Don’t look down upon women.That’s the core idea of her speech.Through this lecture,upon the author’s own experience,she is eager to tell everybody that women are at a lower level in career choice.Out of eagerness,Woolf speaks everything that she knows.Wherever her consciousness reaches,she just express it on her own words and analysis the circumstance and times we are in.

The most of the article introduces the fierce struggle between the author and the phantom.In the speech,Woolf describes such a phantom,in order to shape the image,the author uses a variety of rhetorical methods,such as personification,metaphor and comparative law,the language is simple and makes everything alive.Woolf thinks about herself of fighting against the phantom which exists in everyone’s minds while she was writing her book reviews.To tell the truth,the phantom”Women”is the secular consciousness that exists in the human brains,which imprisons women to think creatively and freely.For though men sensibly allow themselves great freedom in these respects,I doubt that they realize or can control the extreme severity with which they condemn such freedom in women.




