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关于糖尿病肾病论文范文 中西医结合治疗早期糖尿病肾病临床相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:糖尿病肾病论文 更新时间:2024-02-22


[摘 要] 目的 分析和研究中西医结合治疗早期糖尿病肾病的临床应用效果.方法 方便选取该院在2016年5月—2017年5月期间该院收治的78例早期糖尿病肾病患者作为研究对象,按照入院单号单双数将患者划分为参照组和研究组,各39例,其中参照组患者采用常规西医治疗,研究组患者采用中西医结合治疗,观察和比较两组患者的临床疗效.结果 参照组患者的治疗总有效率为74.36%,研究组患者的治疗总有效率为94.87%,治疗后参照组患者的纤维蛋白原、血浆粘度分别为(4.56±0.58)g/L、(1.26±0.35)mPsa、研究组患者的纤维蛋白原、血浆粘度分别为(3.25±0.62)g/L、(1.43±0.21)mPsa,由此可以看出,研究组患者的治疗有效率要显著高于参照组(χ2等于6.317 2),且研究组患者血液流变学和尿微量白蛋白相关指标的改善效果更加显著,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 采用中西医结合治疗早期糖尿病肾病,能够显著提高患者的临床治疗效果,同时在血液黏稠度降低、脂质代谢调节、蛋白质减少等方面也具有良好的效果,值得推广.

[关键词] 早期糖尿病肾病;中西醫结合治疗;血液流变学;尿微量白蛋白

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(a)-0169-03

Clinical Study on Treatment of Early Diabetic Nephropathy by Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine

XIU De-tao

Department of Inner Medicine, Section Two, Yucheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Yucheng, Shandong Province, 251200 China

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze and study the clinical effect of traditional Chinese and western medicine on early diabetic nephropathy. Methods 78 cases of early diabetic nephropathy patients from May 2016 to May 2017 were convenient selected as the research objects, according to the hospital order number and odd number will be divided into control group and research group, with 39 cases in each group, the control group was treated by routine western medicine treatment, the research group was treated by combining traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment, the clinical efficacy of two groups of patients was observed and compared. Results The total effective rate was 74.36% in the control group, 94.87% in the study group, and after treatment, micro-protoplasm and plasma viscosity were (4.56±0.58)g/L (1.26±0.35) mPsa in the control group. The study group of micro-protoplasm and plasma viscosity were (3.25±0.62)g/L and (1.43±0.21) mPsa, respectively. It can be seen that the treatment efficiency of study group patients was significantly higher than the reference group(χ2等于6.317 2), and the study group of patients with hemorheology and urinary albumin-related indicators of the improvement effect was more significant, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The use of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of early diabetic nephropathy, can significantly improve the clinical treatment of patients, while reducing blood viscosity, lipid metabolism regulation, with good protein reduction results, it is worth promoting.

[Key words] Early diabetic nephropathy; Combination of Chinese and western medicine; Hemorheology; Urinary trace albumin



1、 加味桃核承气汤治疗糖尿病肾病临床效果观察 [摘要] 目的 探讨加味桃核承气汤治疗糖尿病肾病的临床效果。方法 选取2015年6月—2016年6月在该院接受治疗的72例糖尿病肾病患者作为该次。

2、 百令胶囊联合依那普利片治疗老年糖尿病肾病的临床疗效 [摘要] 目的 探讨百令胶囊联合依那普利片治疗老年糖尿病肾病的临床疗效。方法 以笔者参与治疗的90例老年糖尿病肾病患者为例,按照双盲法将其分为两。

3、 推拿手法治疗早期2型糖尿病临床探究 [摘要] 目的 该研究旨在研究药物治疗配合推拿治疗的新型治疗方式,对我国早期2型糖尿病的治疗是否有效,在治疗过程中能否尽可能的减少病患的不适感。。

4、 补元通络汤结合厄贝沙坦治疗糖尿病肾病Ⅲ期患者临床观察 DOI:10 16658 j cnki 1672-4062 2017 12 163[摘要] 目的 该次对补元通络汤结合厄贝沙坦治疗糖尿病肾病Ⅲ。

5、 益肾泄浊饮治疗糖尿病肾病IV期42例的临床疗效观察 DOI:10 16658 j cnki 1672-4062 2017 12 187[摘要] 目的 观察中药汤剂益肾泄浊饮治疗糖尿病肾病IV期的。

6、 维持性血液透析治疗糖尿病肾病临床疗效分析 [摘要] 目的 探究维持性血液透析對于治疗糖尿病肾病的临床疗效。方法 选取2014年6月—2015年8月来该院进行肾脏替代治疗的96例糖尿病肾病。