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关于创伤论文范文 疼痛控制护理在创伤性骨折患者术后康复中应用效果相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:创伤论文 更新时间:2024-04-05


[摘 要] 目的 研究疼痛控制護理在创伤性骨折患者术后康复中的应用效果. 方法 随机选择该院于2015年8月—2017年8月间收治的创伤性骨折患者106例为该次研究对象,依据患者病历序号单偶数的差异,将患者分为2组各53例,其中对照组实施术后常规护理,试验组实施术后疼痛控制护理,比较2组患者疼痛评分、康复效果、护理满意度.结果 对照组患者疼痛评分为(2.87±0.96)分、肿胀值为(1.76±0.50)cm;试验组患者疼痛评分为(1.38±0.35)分、肿胀值为(0.58±0.24)cm.即对照组患者疼痛评分及肿胀值均较差于试验组,2组患者疼痛评分及肿胀值数据比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).试验组患者SAS评分为(32.56±8.93)分、SDS评分为(31.35±8.36)分;对照组患者AS评分为(45.27±12.04)分、SDS评分为(46.94±9.37)分.即实验组患者焦虑抑郁程度明显较差于对照组,2组患者焦虑、抑郁程度评分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 相较于常规护理模式,疼痛控制护理更有利于创伤性骨折患者术后关节功能恢复,减轻患者疼痛与肿胀程度,缩减住院时间,提升护理满意度,故值得临床推广.

[关键词] 疼痛控制护理;创伤性骨折;术后康复

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)02(c)-0150-03

Application Effect Research of Pain Control Nursing in Postoperative Rehabilitation of Patients with Traumatic Fracture


Vice Chief Physician, Orthopedics Department, Wenshan People"s Hospital, Wenshan,Yunnan Province, 663000 China

[Abstract] Objective To research the application effect of pain control nursing in postoperative rehabilitation of patients with traumatic fracture. Methods Randomly selecting 106 patients with traumatic fracture in our department from August 2015 to August 2017 as the study object, and dividing them into two groups on the basis of differences in the serial number list of patient record, each of which contains 53 patients. The control group adopted routine postoperative nursing while the experiment group adopted postoperative pain control nursing. Then comparing the pain scores, rehabilitation efficacy and nursing satisfaction. Results The pain score of the control group was (2.87±0.96)points and the swelling value was (1.76±0.50)cm. The pain score of the experiment group was (1.38±0.35)points and the swelling value was (0.58±0.24)cm. In the control group, the pain scores and swelling values were lower than those in the experimental group, and the pain score and swelling value of the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). The SAS score of the experimental group was (32.56±8.93)points and SDS score was(31.35±8.36)points; the score of the control group was (45.27±12.04)points and SDS score was(46.94±9.37)points. In the experimental group, the anxiety and depression were significantly worse than those in the control group, and the scores of anxiety and depression in the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with the conventional nursing mode, pain control nursing is more beneficial to rehabilitation of joint function of traumatic fracture patients, reduces the patients pain and swelling degree, reduces length of hospital stays and improve nursing satisfaction. So it is worth clinical promotion.



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