快捷分类: 2018评职称不合格期刊 2018年杂志订阅目录 2018不合格期刊名单 2018形势政策论文3000 2018毕业论文题目大全 知音杂志2018 2018会计本科论文 中华医学杂志2018 2018年台州市论文获奖 2018年湖北省优秀硕士学位论文 2018教改论文学生主动性 中大自考行政管理2018毕业论文

关于2018论文范文 2018年时代英语高二第六期教师参相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:2018论文 更新时间:2024-03-12


Module 1






76. am→was77. you→me78. usually→usual 79. same前加the80. 去掉in81. prepared→preparing82. √ 83. many→much84. spend→spending85. loves→love

One possible version:

Dear Li Hua,

I’m so glad to hear from you. In your letter, you asked me to explain the differences between British English and American English. They are different in many ways. The most obvious part is the vocabulary. Sometimes different words are used to refer to the same thing. For example, in America, people use “automobile”, “freeway” and “gas” while in Britain people use “car”, “motorway” and “petrol”.

There are a few differences in grammar, too. The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation. American spelling seems simpler. The words “centre”, “colour” and “programme” in British English are spelt as “center”, “color” and “program” in American English.

These are the main differences between British English and American English. I hope my information is useful to you.

Hope everything goes well.

Yours truly,



Text l

M: How is your sister feeling these days?

W: Much better, thanks. The doctor said she would be coming home in a few days.

Text 2

W: How much is the T—shirt?

M: 30 dollars for each, but you may pay 5 dollars less for two.

W: All right. Give me two.

Text 3

M: It’s really hot today. The temperature must be over a hundred. The weather report is for rain in the afternoon.

W: How about putting off the picnic until tomorrow?

Text 4

M: Hi, mum. We won the football match at last. I scored a lot.

W: Great! Your father will be proud of you.

Text 5

W: Oh, my goodness! The room isn’t neat at all, and the window is broken!

M: Someone must have broken into our house through the window.

W: Look, all my jewelry boxes are empty. What should we do?

M: Stay there and don’t touch anything. I’ll call the police right now.

Text 6

W: Hi, Tom. Long time no see.

M: Hi. When did you return to school?

W: Yesterday. Did you have a nice holiday?

M: Yes, it can’t be better. Thank you.

W: Where did you go during the holidays?

M: I went to Scotland.



1、 2019年时代英语高二第3期教师参 选修六Module 11—5 BCBAA6—10 BCABB11—15 CBABC16—20 CABCB21—25 BDACD26—30。

2、 2018年时代英语高二第1期参 选修六跟踪导练(一)阅读地带A: 1—3 DAA B: 4—7 ABDC单词训练营1 informal 2 serious 3 。

3、 2018年时代英语高二第2期参 选修六跟踪导练(一)阅读地带A: 1—4 DABCB: 5—8 DBDB阅读七选五1—5 ECBGD完形填空1—5 CDBCA6—。

4、 2018年时代英语高三第二期参 (一)单项填空1—5 ADBCC6—10 DDCDB完形填空11—15 CDABB16—20 BDCAA21—25 DCBCA26—3。

5、 2018年时代英语高一第四期参 语法精练1—8 BBAADCDD课后练(一)选词填空1 embarrassed2 Brilliant3 description4。

6、 2018年时代英语高三第2期参 (一)阅读理解1—5 BAABD 6—10 DACBA 11—15 DCDAB阅读七选五16—20 CDEAF完形填空21—25 A。