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关于难懂母语人士论文范文 英国人英语最难懂母语人士请学会通用英语相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:难懂母语人士论文 更新时间:2024-02-29


If native speakers of English are not to become international corporate pariahs, they will need to learn how to speak general English—in other words, to communicate with non-native speakers.


Resentment at the complexity of native speakers’ English is widespread in international business. During a study carried out at Kone Elevators of Finland, one Finnish manager blurted out, “The British are the worst... It is much more difficult to understand their English than that of other nationalities. When we non-native speakers of English talk, it is much easier to understand. We have the same limited vocabulary.”

How can native speakers of English make themselves more comprehensible and more likeable? The most obvious way is to learn someone else’s language. The great benefit of learning other languages is that you have some idea of what non-native speakers are up against. However, news that fewer than half of English schoolchildren are learning a foreign language suggests that this is not going to be a profitable route for many.

So what should native English-speakers do to make themselves better understood? First, slow down, but not to the point where members of your audience think you are patronising them. Second, avoid idiomatic and metaphorical expressions: that’s the way the cookie crumbles, people in glass houses, and the like.

Jokes are a difficult area. You will not forget the silence that follows one that is found baffling. On the other hand, when jokes work, they can be a huge success with a non-native speaking audience. If you have learnt other languages, you will know that very few achievements are as satisfying as understanding your first foreign joke. Try a few out with your non-native speaking audience; you will soon learn which ones are worth repeating.

It is often unnecessary to avoid longer words such as “association” and “nationality”, which are common to the Romance languages and will be widely understood in Europe and Latin America.

Listen to verbal responses for signs of whether you have been understood or not. Make sure your non-native speaking colleagues have the chance to talk; they will often be paraphrasing your words in an attempt to satisfy themselves that they have grasped what you said.

Always remember that the greatest friend of the non-native speaker is repetition. Find more than one way of getting your point across and summarise frequently.










1、 母语对中学生英语学习影响 摘要:在中国,绝大多数人学习的第二语言是英语,大多数中学生是在掌握了母语(汉语)的情况下才开始学习英语,因此,原有的汉语知识必然会对新的语言系统。

2、 中学英语教学中的母语迁移现象探究 【摘 要】 国际交流的加强促使我国掀起了学英语高潮。但是对于从小普遍接触汉语的中学生而言,学习英语并非易事。在我国中学英语教学中,普遍学生都存在。

3、 跨文化交际下的初中英语教学母语文化的渗入策略 【摘 要】 跨文化交际中,母语文化遭遇了 "失语 "。初中英语教学中渗入母语文化,提高教师的母语文化素养,调整教材,依托教材资源,拓展课外活动,适时。

4、 小学英语教学和母语负迁移现象 【摘要】小学生学习英语往往受到母语的影响而产生负迁移,这严重的影响了小学英语教学质量的提高。因此,在教学中要避免语言负迁移现象的发生。本文围绕知。

5、 英语语法学习中母语迁移 [摘要]不少学生在学习英语语法时,会感觉很困难,这是学习英语过程中最令人烦恼的一点。英语语法中有一些语法跟汉语相近,有一些语法跟汉语不同甚至完全。