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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:巧止旅游痒论文 更新时间:2024-02-25


What to Do When You Have a Travel Itch You Can’t Scratch1

It’s hard to deny the joys of travel; it’s a pretty universally loved experience. Of course, it’s also expensive and it’s not always easy to make time for2 it. If you’re itching to travel but it’s not in the cards in your foreseeable future, here’s how to make do in the meantime.3

Come Up with a Plan, Even a Long-Term One

Even frugal4 travel is pretty expensive. So expensive, in fact, that we’re quick to brush it off5 and say we can’t afford it. That may be painfully true, but it’s also true that many of us give up easily when it comes to our finances. A great question to ask when you feel defeated6 is “what if?”

For example, when I was in student loan debt, there seemed to be no way in hell I could afford to take a vacation.7 Just for kicks, though, I asked myself, what if I cut back on all my other spending and supercharged my debt payments?8 What if I picked up a side job9 and used that cash to pay the debt, too? What if I got a roommate to split10 the cost of rent? Everyone has different answers, and yours may still leave you at a dead end11, or they may just be of the question.

Personally, though, I was surprised at the possibilities those answers offered, and it made me feel less stuck12. Yeah, it took a couple of years of paying off debt and saving, but hey, at least I knew it wasn’t impossible. And waiting two years for a trip was better than spending two years frustrated and restless.13

Once you get an idea of what you can do—and what you’re willing to do—to save for travel, you can come up with a solid14 plan for getting there. You can do the same thing with your time. If you’re too busy this year to take a trip, schedule15 some time to come up with a plan for next year. Settle on some dates and figure out a timeline for booking flights,16 hotels, and so on. There’s a lot of power even in simply establishing a time frame17.

Make the Most of18 the Wait

Oddly enough, we might be happier planning and anticipating a trip more than we are actually taking it.19 Research published in the journal20 Applied Research in Quality of Life studied 1,530 adults planning a vacation and found:

Possibly, anticipation played an important role in explaining the observed differences in pre-trip happiness between vacationers and non-vacationers. Holiday trips are experiences which people look forward to. For most, the enjoyment starts weeks, even months before the holiday actually begins.



1、 80后夫妻巧理财五年购置二套房 光有勤奋是不够的,会挣钱还要会理财,才能真正提高生活品质,勤奋加上动脑动手巧理财,等着未来生活节节攀升吧!如今,广大“80后”都走向了人生转折。

2、 在丝绸之路视域下陕西省文化遗产旅游开发 摘要:“丝绸之路经济带”文化遗产类型多种多样且品质较高,这为旅游开发提供了良好基础,陕西省作为古丝绸之路的起点,在“丝绸之路经济带”建设和推进的。

3、 主妇巧理财,手绘墙画拓财源 依依是一位家庭主妇,家里买了新房,因为预算紧张,她和老公决定不请装修公司,自己买料在街头请工人DIY装修。基础装修搞好后,就该做软装饰了,依依灵。

4、 旅游精准扶贫,产业空间巨大 出路在全域旅游,在于扶贫“扶”出一个广阔的空间。湖南省51个扶贫工作重点县,基本上都是生态环境良好的地方。绿水青山掩盖着贫穷落后,如何化解这个。

5、 全域旅游宁夏模式 “全景、全业、全时、全民”模式,是打造“全域旅游”的具体概念。2017年的中央政府工作报告中明确提出,要“完善旅游设施和服务,大力发展乡村、休。