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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:假新闻论文 更新时间:2024-01-28


W hen the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg on the night of 14 April 1912, the crew of the ship used telegraphy technology to not only call for help but to provide updates on the situation in the Atlantic Ocean.1 Unverified and unsigned telegrams were dispatched to Fleet Street.2 Newspapers duly reported that everything was under control and the Titanic, deemed to be unsinkable, was going to survive its brush with catastrophe.3

Those on board the vessel4, however, were not so confident. The press was unable to keep up with what was a rapidly developing situation, going only with the information they had to hand. The effect was one of the earliest examples of what some might call “fake news”.

In November 2017, “fake news” was named Collins Dictionary’s5 word of the year. It defines the expression as “false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting”.6 Its usage, according to Collins, has increased 365% in 2016.

However, fake news is far more nuanced7 than that. “What we refer to now as fake news has been around ever since human communication began,” says O’Shea, the senior manager of fake news exhibitions in 2017 at the National Science and Media Museum. “We still talk of gossips and whispers, when the meaning of something is altered or lost through retellings,or shaggy-dog stories, tall tales that have been added to or exaggerated.8 Stories have always been embellished in certain ways to push a particular agenda.”9

But the modern understanding of fake news deals more with the technology that is behind our media, adds O’Shea. “There’s something fundamentally new... the infrastructure of the internet, overlaid with platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Buzzfeed... have come together to carve out a media which is not the media we were accustomed to in the 20th century”.10 All this new technology and media, he says, has been “mashed up with some pretty potent political and social events in the past few years, which has created what I see as a perfect storm for fake news.”11

There’re five factors which contribute to the spread of fake news: political gain; misreporting; going viral; financial gain; and“not letting the truth get in the way of a good story”.12

The Titanic disaster is a prime example of misreporting, which does not have to be malicious in intent.13 The museum has worked with the Peace Studies department at the University of Bradford, contributing papers from its archive showing that telegrams stating that all the passengers from the Titanic had been rescued were reported as fact in newspapers, before the full extent of the tragedy came to light.14



1、 假新闻与其危害 摘要:真实就是新闻的生命,也是新闻的第一要义。新闻战线承担着以正确的舆论引导人的重要使命。在现代社会媒体高度发达的形势下,新闻不仅对人们的思想、。

2、 小扎能够战胜假新闻吗 从2009年开始,“脸书”(Facebook)创始人扎克伯格每年都会公布一个新年愿望,给自己设定这一年的目标。比如,学习中文,全年跑步365英里。

3、 德国假新闻泛滥,政府拟立法打击 近年,由于缺乏专业新闻机构监管,德国假新闻呈泛滥之势。据欧盟调查结果显示,僅两年内,德国就发现了3200条假新闻。假新闻已经成为一种可交易的商品。

4、 假新闻杀人 在社交媒体上“肆虐”的假新闻也可以成为“杀人武器”。5月至今,印度已有12人因假新闻而丧生。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,随着智能手机和社交媒体在印度。

5、 马克·扎克伯格回应假新闻、隐私丑闻、拆分一切 7月18日,美国技术媒体Recode发布了其联合创始人卡拉·斯威舍对Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格的专访:“现在的游戏规则是:我们开。