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分类:毕业论文 原创主题:DirtyBombreview论文 更新时间:2024-02-04


I’ve had the opportunity to see Dirty Bomb’s development from the very beginning, and in that time the game has gone through quite a few changes. At the start of 2015 the game launched on Steam, which was an extremely wise move because Nexon’s own launcher was a right pain in the backside to use.

Unlike previous titles from Splash Damage, Dirty Bomb is free to play. That means it’ll cost you nothing to get started, but as with every free to play the game the developer has to make cash somehow. In Dirty Bomb’s case that means paying for more characters, and items such as Loadout cards.

From the start there are three characters available, with more beta unlocked when you spend some cash or earn game credits by playing. Characters can cost up to £7.99 each piece. Play reasonably well in a match and you’ll probably earn about 170 credits on average per game. Games are different in time, but can last a quarter of an hour.

Dirty Bomb is a multiplayer. Besides the short training part at the start of the game, there’s no single player action. Disappointingly, there are no bot matches either; so if you’re new to the game then it’s going to be harder to learn the maps and get to grips with some of the more challenging movement skills. You can wall jump, crouch jump and long jump, but these are not easy to kill, and it’s probably wise to revisit the key configs to map the keys a little better until it becomes second nature. Spend too much time trying to practice and perfect these jump in real games, and you’ll just be picked off.

Getting constantly shot to pieces can make you feel upset, but it’s nothing compared to watching players who are still having a hard time understanding what Dirty Bomb is actually about. I’ve spent hours shouting at the screen, watching my team run about shooting each other like headless chickens, as they completely pay no attention to the aims to win the match. It’s become slightly less of a problem as the open beta has progressed, but it’s still very clear. The longer it remains, the more likely it is that better players (and people bored of just shooting each other) down their mice and move on to something else.

If you want to play a little more skillfully, Dirty Bomb won’t really help you out. There are very few places on maps to shoot from distance with a sniper rifle. Not a problem if you just like breaking everything into pieces at a billion miles per hour with lightning reflexes, but it means the game is specifically failing some of the classes they’ve provided.

Whether there’s enough variety in Dirty Bomb to keep players busy playing it for the next twelve months is not sure; but it is free, so there’s at least very little harm in giving it a go.


launch v. 发布 beta n. 测试

multiplayer n. 多人游戏

bot n. 自动程序 grip n. 把手

crouch n. 蹲 config n. 配置

sniper rifle n.

reflex n. 反应 variety n.多样化




