
关于住区论文范文 基于人行为影响住区建筑多主体集成能耗模型相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:住区论文 更新时间:2024-02-11


摘 要:在城市建筑節能研究中,政府常常依赖城市能源和碳排放模型工具制定并评估节能策略.而当前的城市建筑能耗模型受限于开发技术等因素,尚存在诸多不足,例如,考虑人行为对建筑能耗的影响,建立行为、日常活动及和环境相关的综合能耗模型.关于此类模型合理的数学形式、参数选择的方法以及不同行为的模拟方式等问题还尚待进一步研究.采用多主体(MultiAgent)建模技术,设计集成建筑能耗模型,以住区中的居民作为模型中活动的主体,模拟使用者行为习惯、活动对建筑能耗的影响;采用ISO 13790标准模拟建筑的供热和降温需求,并在集成环境中设计统一的描述框架,以相对独立的环境模拟、行为模拟模块形式进行交互,实现热环境模拟和基于主体活动的设备能耗模拟的有机结合.研究表明,住区居民的用能行为是影响城市建筑能耗密度变化的重要因素,实现对住区主体行为特征的引导是实现城市建筑节能目标的有效途径.








Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51678178); Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (No. E2015011)

Author brief:Sun Yu(1984 ), PhD candidate, main research interest: urban planning, (Email) sunyuishere@126.com.

Leng Hong(corresponding author), professor, doctoral supervisor, (Email)hitlaura@hit.edu.cn.Multiagent based energy model for domestic duildings

based on occupant behavior

Sun Yu, Leng Hong, Jiang Cunyan

(School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, P. R. China)

Abstract:Energy model is one of the most significant tool to investigate building energy saving, which has been widely used by government in energy policy evaluation. However, there are still many limitations in current research technology and methodology. Especially the interaction between energy consumption and occupant behavior in daily activities should be further discussed. Lots of the research method and conception have not been well expanded by modeling and quantizing. Agent Based Domestic Community Energy Model is proposed to develop the simulation framework of energy consumption in the stock of domestic buildings. The occupants are taken as the agent to simulate the occupant behavior factors that influence building energysaving potential under various policy scenarios. The proposed model can associate the standard ISO13790 for calculation the cooling and heating load, but also incorporate the interaction of agent behavior and energy use, which realize the organic combination of environment and behavior simulation. The results demonstrate that the agent behavior is one of the significant factors that influence building energy use intensity, and strengthening the guidance of occupant behavior is a scientific and effective way to achieve the goal of building energy efficiency.



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