快捷分类: 期刊影响因子查询 期刊的影响因子 化学期刊影响因子排名 中华医学杂志影响因子 期刊影响因子多少算高 医学杂志影响因子排名 国外杂志影响因子 化工类期刊影响因子 临床检验杂志影响因子 中华放射学杂志影响因子 石油化工期刊影响因子 通信期刊影响因子

关于影响因子论文范文 国际高影响因子期刊收录中草药论文分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:影响因子论文 更新时间:2024-04-03


摘 要:目的 對近20年在影响因子(IF)≥10的期刊上发表的中草药论文进行计量分析,了解世界主流医学杂志发表的中草药论文的特征.方法 以SCIE、PubMed平台为数据来源,采用Excel 2010及Citespace 4.2.R1(64-bit)分析软件,从作者所在国家、发文量、期刊、内容、被引情况、国际合作等方面进行计量分析.结果 检索到相关论文130篇,包括研究性论文96篇,综述34篇.美国、中国、西欧、日本是发表中草药论文最多的国家/地区;我国自2010年以来发文量逐渐稳定,从2013年开始超越美国成为发文量最多的国家.按照药物类型统计,研究中药提取物、中药复方、单味中药的论文分别为52、38、13篇,从研究角度统计,研究中草药治疗效果、化学/药理学、副作用的论文分别55、30、23篇.东亚、东南亚中医药传统强国中国、日本、新加坡、韩国的论文影响力相对偏低.中药复方论文的影响力低于中药提取物研究论文.中草药疗效观察论文影响力偏低.美国、中国处于国际合作网络的中心位置,中国机构在国际合作中发挥了重要的枢纽作用.结论 我国中草药科研的规模和水平都位于世界前列,但科研影响力有待进一步提升.应加强中医药科研和现代科学技术的融合,以现代科技推动中医药向更高、更深层次发展.


中图分类号:R-058;G250.252 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5707(2017)04-0019-09

Abstract: Objective To understand the attributes of TCM articles published in world main medical journals by conducting statistical analysis on TCM articles published in journals with impact factors (IF) ≥10 in recent 20 years. Methods SCIE and PubMed were set as data resources. Excel 2007 and Citespace 4.2.R1 (64-bit) were used to statistically analyze the aspects of the countries authors coming from, amounts of articles, journals, contents, citations, and international collaborations. Results 130 articles were retrieved, including 96 research articles and 34 reviews. America, China, Western Europe, and Japan published most of the articles. The amounts of articles from China have been steadily increased in recent years. From 2013, China has overtaken America becoming the country that published the most papers. According to medicine types, the amount of articles about TCM extracts, TCM compounds and single TCM were 52, 38, and 13 respectively. According to research perspective, the amounts of articles about research on TCM efficacy, chemical/pharmacology and the side effects were 55, 30, and 23 respectively. The scientific impact of articles from China, Japan, Singapore, and Korea was relatively lower than other countries/areas. The scientific impact of articles of TCM compounds was lower than TCM extracts. America and China were in the central position of international collaboration network. Chinese institutions played pivotal role in international collaboration. Conclusion China"s TCM research scale and level are located in the forefront of the world, but the scientific research impact is waited to be further improved. The integration of TCM research and modern science and technology should be strengthened. Modern technology should promote TCM to a higher and deeper level of development.

Key words: Traditional Chinese Medicine; SCI; PubMed; Citespace; visualization; bibliometrics



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4、 韩国一系列事件对中韩国际物流影响 【摘要】自中韩建交25年以来,由于地理的临近优势,近年来全球贸易的大趋势,中韩国际物流出现多点开花式的蓬勃发展,两国贸易日益增多,中国已经成为韩。

5、 技术对于国际贸易影响 目前,随着我国经济水平的不断提升,科学社会已经成为社会发展的必然趋势,因此技术的创新已经成为带动社会不断向前的主要力量。从国际贸易的角度讲,技术。