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关于针叶林论文范文 地形因子对大兴安岭北端寒温带针叶林土壤有机碳储量影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:针叶林论文 更新时间:2024-02-06


摘 要:

为研究地形因子对寒温带针叶林土壤有机碳储量的影响,本文选取黑龙江省大兴安岭北端(122° 40′ 52″~126° 20′ 03″ E,51° 40′ 46″~53° 20′ 15″ N)针叶林区,按照坡位、坡向差异,对称设置20块样地,采集1 m剖面内不同发生层土样进行有机碳含量测定.结果表明,研究区1 m土壤剖面内有机碳密度范围为814~2339 kg/m2,有机碳含量及密度均为中等变异(O层除外).土壤有机碳表层聚集特征明显,大部分集中于O层和A层.地形因子(坡位、坡向、坡度)对土壤有机碳含量及密度影响明显,有机碳含量及密度表现为下坡高于上坡,阴坡高于阳坡(AB层和B层除外),A层及1 m剖面土壤有机碳密度随坡度增大而减小.由于阴下坡最有利于有机碳积累,所以应更好地利用优势地形,科学引导植被高效健康生长,充分发挥其生态效能.同时也可通过该研究为我国寒温带森林地区土壤有机碳储量及分布的准确估算提供科学依据.



中图分类号:S 714 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-005X(2017)03-0001-06

The Influences of Topographic Factors on Soil Organic Carbon Storagein Cool Conifer Forest in the North of Great Xingan Mountain

Lin Wei,Cui Xiaoyang*

(School of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040)


In order to study the influences of topographic factors on soil organic carbon storage in cool conifer forest,soil samples were symmetrically collected from 20 plots in the north of Great Xingan Mountain in Heilongjiang Province(122° 40′ 52″~126° 20′ 03″ E,51° 40′ 46″~53° 20′ 15″ N).The content of organic carbon of different soil layers were measured on the basis of the difference of aspects and positions of the slope.The result showed that the organic carbon density within one-meter soil profile ranged from 814 to 2339 kg·m-2 and the organic carbon content and density belong to medium mutation except for O layer.Most of the soil organic carbon concentrated obviously in the O layer and A layer.Besides,the storage and density of soil organic carbon were affected significantly by the terrain factors(the positions,aspects and gradients of the slope).Both of them at downhill were significantly higher than those at uphill,meanwhile ones at the shady slopes were higher than those at the sunny slopes(except for AB layer or B layer).At the same time,the profile of soil organic carbon density in A layer and 1 m profile decreased with increasing slope gradient.It is better to take good advantage of the terrain and make plants flourish to let them grow ecologically since the shady slopes and downhill are the most favorable to the accumulation of organic carbon.In addition,this study also provides scientific basis for accurately assessing the storage and distribution of soil organic carbon in boreal forest.


north of Great Xingan Mountains;boreal forest;topographic factor;soil organic carbon content;soil organic carbon density

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儲藏着大量有机碳的森林土壤是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,在全球碳循环中扮演着重要角色,对全球气候变化有重要影响[1-2].森林土壤中的有机碳储量可达全球有机碳库的一半,因此其细 化都可能引起大气CO2浓度的改变,甚至影响全球气候,所以森林土壤中有机碳的储藏分布及时空变化都受到全球有机碳循环或气候变化研究者的高度关注[3-5].



1、 漠河北极村针叶林空气负离子浓度等级其生态效益评价 摘要:以漠河北极村针叶林空气中的负离子浓度为研究对象,于2012年7、9月与2013年5、7、9月对大兴安岭有代表性的林分区进行森林环境中空气负。

2、 东北三种典型针叶树种可燃物烘干参数确定影响因素分析 摘 要:本文拟通过室内控制试验确定对于不同样品采取什么样的烘干温度及时间,才能保证又快又好的完成样品的室内烘干处理。本文通过具体实验得出东北三种。

3、 基于地形因子喀斯特山地土地利用变化分析 摘 要 以乌江北源2000年、2010年两期土地利用和DEM数据为基础,运用GIS空间分析软件,探究喀斯特流域土地利用变化的空间规律 结果表明:。

4、 基于PET衍生因子量化选股实证 α收益是基金追求的超过市场平均收益的部分,量化选股多因子模型一直是市场量化分析选股的热点,如何找到一个有效的选股因子一直是每个投资者关注的问题。。

5、 基于因子分析模型汽车制造行业绩效评价 【摘 要】 文章以部分国内A股上市的汽车制造企业财务样本为依据,选择其2013年至2015年间主要财务指标,将我国汽车制造业上市公司的财务绩效分。

6、 沪深股市三因子模型验证 摘 要:目前在国外Fama-French三因子模型已经被广泛应用到收益率预测、风险管理、基金业绩评估等方面。借鉴国外经验运用Fama-Fren。