
关于分蘖论文范文 播期和密度对强分蘖谷子书香1号农艺性状和产量的影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:分蘖论文 更新时间:2024-03-31


摘 要:

以弱分蘖品种济谷19为对照,研究留苗密度和播期对强分蘖谷子书香1号分蘖和产量等相关性状的影响.结果表明:4月30日春播,书香1号留苗密度(本试验均指666.7m2密度,下同)1.5万、2.5万、3.5万、4.5万株时,单株分蘖成穗分别是2.30、1.90、1.37、1.35个;随留苗密度增加,单株分蘖数减少,群体成穗和产量增加,留苗密度2.5万、3.5万、4.5万株时产量显著高于1.5万株,留苗密度4.5万株产量最高.6月26日夏播,书香1号分蘖成穗能力显著降低,留苗密度1.5万、2.5万株时单株分蘖成穗0.80、0.46个,密度3.5万、4.5万株时基本没有分蘖成穗.书香1号分蘖茎的株高、穗长、穗粗、穗粒重等性状都明显低于主茎相应性状.4种密度下强分蘖品种书香1号产量都低于济谷19,留苗密度4.5万株时济谷19春播单产(666.7m2产量,下同)315.7 kg、夏播单产471.2 kg,比书香1号产量高7.05%、25.3%.总之,强分蘖谷子品种分蘖成穗能力和密度、播期密切相关,留苗密度增加,单株分蘖成穗数降低,播期早分蘖成穗数多,播期推迟分蘖成穗数减少;不同留苗密度间产量差异显著,分蘖性谷子群体有一定的自身调节能力;主茎成穗对强分蘖谷子产量的形成起主要作用.强分蘖性品种书香1号产量水平显著低于弱分蘖品种济谷19,生产上应当重视弱或不分蘖谷子.



AbstractWith the foxtail millet cultivar Jigu 19 with low tillering capacity as contrast, we studied the effects of plant density and sowing date on tillering and yield correlated characters of Shuxiang 1 with high-tillering capacity. The results showed that the effective tillers per plant of spring-sowed (April 30) Shuxiang 1 were 2.30, 1.90, 1.37 and 1.35 respectively when the plant density were 15 thousand, 25 thousand, 35 thousand and 45 thousand plants per 666.7m2 respectively. With the increase of plant density, the effective tillers per plant decreased, but the population spikes and yield increased. The yield was the highest at 45 thousand plants per 666.7m2, and the lowest at 15 thousand plants per 666.7m2 which was significantly lower than the other density treatments. The tillering capacity of summer-sowed Shuxiang 1 was greatly reduced compared with spring-sowed one, and the effective tillers per plant were 0.80 and 0.46 at the density of 15 thousand and 25 thousand plants per 666.7m2 respectively, while there were no effective tillers at the density of 35 thousand and 45 thousand plants per 666.7m2. The plant height, spike length, spike diameter and grain weight per spike of tiller stem were significantly lower than those of the main stem in Shuxiang 1. The yield of Shuxiang 1 was lower than that of Jigu 19 under the four plant densities. At the density of 45 thousand plants per 666.7m2, the yields of Jigu 19 were 315.7 and 471.2 kg per 666.7m2 respectively under spring sowing and summer sowing respectively, which increased by 7.05% (P>0.05) and 25.3% (P<0.05) respectively compared to Shuxiang 1. In conclusion, the ear bearing capacity of tillers was closely correlated with plant density and sowing date in high-tillering foxtail millet varieties; the effective tillers per plant decreased with the increase of plant density and the postponement of sowing date. The yield was significantly different between different plant densities; the population of high-tillering varieties had certain self adjusting ability, and the ear bearing of main stem played a key role in the formation of yield. The yield of Shuxiang 1 with high-tillering capacity was significantly lower than that of Jigu 19 with lower-tillering capacity, so we should pay more attention to varieties with fewer or no tillers in production of foxtail millet.



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